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This package has been created to send email reminders to the manager (to remember them to assign unassigned bugs) and to the developper (to resolve their assigned bugs). This page describes how to install and configure the reminder package.


  • Download the reminder package from the issue #5887 (actual package is reminder_new.tar.gz)
  • Unzip the package into the Mantis installation directory (ex.: tar zxvf reminder_new.tar.gz)
  • Copy the reminder_config_inc.php.sample to reminder_config_inc.php


Debug features

$g_reminder_email_debug = OFF;
$g_reminder_email_debug_address = "";

Theses variables are used to debug the reminder package if you have some issues with it. To turn on the debug feature, you must set to ON the $g_reminder_email_debug variable and specify an email address (in the $g_reminder_email_debug_address) where all email will be sent.

Unresolved reminders

$g_first_remind = 15;
$g_second_remind = 30;

Theses variables configure the reminder sent to the developers about the unresolved bugs (but assigned). An email is sent to the developer if (one of the following statements is true):

  • the assignement of the bug is $g_first_remind days old
  • the assignement of the bug is more than $g_second_remind days old

Example with the default values:

  • June 1st: the bug is assigned to a developer.
  • June 15th: The first reminder is sent to the developer.
  • June 30th: The second reminder is sent.
  • July 1st: A new reminder is sent.
  • July 2nd: New reminder sent

Unassigned reminders

$g_first_assign_remind = 7;
$g_second_assign_remind = 14;

Theses variables configure the reminder sent to the managers about the unassigned bugs (see Unresolved reminders).


$g_reminder_enable = ON;
$g_excepted_date[] = array( 
			    array( 'wday' => 0 ),
                            array( 'wday' => 6 ),
			    array( 'mday' => 1, 'mon' => 1 ),
			    array( 'mday' => 1, 'mon' => 5 ),
			    array( 'mday' => 8, 'mon' => 5 ),
			    array( 'mday' => 14, 'mon' => 7 ),
			    array( 'mday' => 15, 'mon' => 8 ),
			    array( 'mday' => 1, 'mon' => 11 ),
			    array( 'mday' => 11, 'mon' => 11 ), 
			    array( 'mday' => 25, 'mon' => 12 ),
			    array( 'mday' => 28, 'mon' => 3, 'year' => 2005 ) );
$g_excepted_user[] = array(
			    'administrator' => array( 'year' => 2005 ) );
$g_excepted_bug = array();
  • $g_reminder_enable is used to enable/disable the reminder.
  • $g_excepted_date is used to disable the reminder at specific dates.
  • $g_excepted_user is used to disable the reminder for a specific user to specific date (holidays…)
  • $g_excepted_bug is used to disable the reminder for specific bugs.

Execution/Scheluded task

To send the reminder you need to browse the reminder.php page in your browser (no HTML output will be generated) or execute the PHP client with the command: php /installation/directory/reminder.php.

You can create a scheduled task to do this job automaticaly each days.

Feel free to add your own comment ;-)

mantisbt/issue/5887.1589460596.txt.gz · Last modified: 2020/05/14 08:49 by dregad

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