APPLICATION ERROR #200 direkt ab Login / bei klick auf Case

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Prof Hase
Posts: 56
Joined: 06 Jul 2011, 08:34

APPLICATION ERROR #200 direkt ab Login / bei klick auf Case

Post by Prof Hase »

Hallo zusammen,

ich hatte gerade folgenden Fehler, nach Login ins System, egal auf welches Ticket man klickt bekommt man den #200....
Nach Neustart der Dienste ist alles wieder gut


Ein erforderlicher Parameter für diese Seite (project_id) wurde nicht gefunden.

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MantisBT-Version: 2.2.3
Schema-Version: 209
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Re: APPLICATION ERROR #200 direkt ab Login / bei klick auf C

Post by atrol »

Ich kann das Problem nicht reproduzieren.
Vielleicht finden sich im Webserver und/oder PHP Logfile Fehler und Warnungen, die einen Hinweis auf die Ursache geben.
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Prof Hase
Posts: 56
Joined: 06 Jul 2011, 08:34

Re: APPLICATION ERROR #200 direkt ab Login / bei klick auf C

Post by Prof Hase »

Hallo Atrol,

danke für deine Rückmeldung - leider erschließt sich aus den LOGs nicht viel.
Aufgefallen ist, das es reicht den Apache Dienst neu zu starten der MySQL-Dienst des XAMPP kann weiterlaufen.

Was kann das sein?

Danke und Gruß
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Location: Germany

Re: APPLICATION ERROR #200 direkt ab Login / bei klick auf C

Post by atrol »

Prof Hase wrote:Was kann das sein?
Schwer zu sagen, vielleicht veraltete fehlerhafte Versionen von Apache und/oder PHP.
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Prof Hase
Posts: 56
Joined: 06 Jul 2011, 08:34

Re: APPLICATION ERROR #200 direkt ab Login / bei klick auf C

Post by Prof Hase »

Guten Morgen Atrol,

wir setzen die neuste XAMPP, Apache und MySQL-Version ein.
Was besagt dieser Fehler denn Technisch überhaupt? Auf Bankebene kann er ja nicht sein da es reicht den Apache neu zu starte.
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Location: Germany

Re: APPLICATION ERROR #200 direkt ab Login / bei klick auf C

Post by atrol »

Prof Hase wrote:Was besagt dieser Fehler denn Technisch überhaupt?
Dass es Probleme beim Austausch von Parametern (ID des Projekts in diesem Fall) zwischen dem Browser und dem Webserver gibt.

Sorry, ich kann hier nicht wirklich weiter helfen. Für mich sieht das bisher nach einem Fehler in XAMPP aus.
Prof Hase wrote:Auf Bankebene kann er ja nicht sein da es reicht den Apache neu zu starte.
Was ist Bankebene?
Please use Search before posting and read the Manual
Prof Hase
Posts: 56
Joined: 06 Jul 2011, 08:34

Re: APPLICATION ERROR #200 direkt ab Login / bei klick auf C

Post by Prof Hase »

Ob es denn helfen wird den XAMPP einmal durch einen anderen Webserver mit PHP und MySQL zu tauschen?
Das ist schon ein sehr nervender Fehler den wir auch bis dato nicht in den Griff bekommen haben.
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Location: Germany

Re: APPLICATION ERROR #200 direkt ab Login / bei klick auf C

Post by atrol »

Prof Hase wrote:Ob es denn helfen wird den XAMPP einmal durch einen anderen Webserver mit PHP und MySQL zu tauschen?
Da bisher nicht klar ist wo das Problem liegt, kann man nur spekulieren, oder eben probieren geht über studieren.

Mal noch ein paar grundsätzliche Fragen:
- Sind irgendwelche Plugins installiert, die nicht im Standardlieferung von Mantis enthalten sind?
- Wurde der Original Sourcecode geändert?
- Werden irgendwelche Fehler und/oder Warnungen ausgegeben wenn man die Seite http://DeinMantis/admin/check/index.php öffnet? (admin Verzeichnis wurde wahrscheinlich gelöscht und muss daher vorher wieder restauriert werden)
Please use Search before posting and read the Manual
Prof Hase
Posts: 56
Joined: 06 Jul 2011, 08:34

Re: APPLICATION ERROR #200 direkt ab Login / bei klick auf C

Post by Prof Hase »

Plugins sind keine drin.
Der Check, sieht jetzt nicht sooo toll aus glaube ich:

Version of PHP installed is at least 5.3.2
PHP version 7.0.9 is currently installed on this server. PASS
date PHP extension is available PASS
hash PHP extension is available PASS
pcre PHP extension is available PASS
Reflection PHP extension is available PASS
session PHP extension is available PASS
mbstring PHP extension is available PASS
Xdebug extension is not loaded PASS
variables_order php.ini directive contains GPCS PASS
magic_quotes_gpc php.ini directive is disabled PASS
magic_quotes_runtime php.ini directive is disabled PASS
register_argc_argv php.ini directive is disabled PASS
register_long_arrays php.ini directive is disabled PASS
auto_globals_jit php.ini directive is enabled PASS
display_errors php.ini directive is disabled
For security reasons this directive should be disabled on all production and Internet facing servers. WARN
display_startup_errors php.ini directive is disabled
For security reasons this directive should be disabled on all production and Internet facing servers. WARN
PHP errors are being logged or reported PASS
php.ini directive: memory_limit 2,147,483,648 bytes
php.ini directive: post_max_size 209,715,200 bytes
memory_limit php.ini directive is at least equal to the post_max_size directive PASS
File uploads are enabled (php.ini directive: file_uploads) Yes
php.ini directive: upload_max_filesize 209,715,200 bytes
post_max_size php.ini directive is at least equal to the upload_max_size directive PASS
php.ini directive: upload_tmp_dir D:\Webserver\tmp
php.ini directive: max_file_uploads 20
php.ini directive: date.timezone Europe/Berlin
There is a performance issue on windows for PHP versions < 5.4 in openssl_random_pseudo_bytes PASS
Check for php bug 61443 - php 5.4.0-5.4.3, trying to use compression with no output handler set PASS
webserver: check SCRIPT_NAME is returned to PHP by web server PASS
Checking use of the ADOdb extension
The ADOdb extension is not supported and must be disabled PASS
Version of ADOdb available is at least 5.20.2
ADOdb version 5.20.9 was found. PASS
Using a custom Database Source Name (DSN) for connecting to the database No
Database type mysqli
Database type is supported by the version of PHP installed on this server PASS
PHP support for MySQL driver PASS
Database hostname localhost
Database username root
Database name mantis
Can open connection to database mantis on host localhost with username root PASS
Database server version 10.1.19
Minimum database version required for MantisBT
You are using version 10.1.19. PASS
MySQL Lifecycle and Release Support data availability
Release information for MySQL 10.1 series is not available, unable to perform the lifecycle checks. WARN
Prefix added to each MantisBT table name mantis
Prefix added to each Plugin table name plugin
Suffix added to each MantisBT table name _table
Plugin table prefix should not be empty PASS
Database default collation is UTF-8
Database is using latin1_swedish_ci collation where UTF-8 collation is required. FAIL
Table mantis_api_token_table is using UTF-8 collation PASS
Table mantis_bug_file_table is using UTF-8 collation
Table mantis_bug_file_table is using latin1_swedish_ci collation where UTF-8 collation is required. FAIL
Table mantis_bug_history_table is using UTF-8 collation
Table mantis_bug_history_table is using latin1_swedish_ci collation where UTF-8 collation is required. FAIL
Table mantis_bug_monitor_table is using UTF-8 collation
Table mantis_bug_monitor_table is using latin1_swedish_ci collation where UTF-8 collation is required. FAIL
Table mantis_bug_relationship_table is using UTF-8 collation
Table mantis_bug_relationship_table is using latin1_swedish_ci collation where UTF-8 collation is required. FAIL
Table mantis_bug_revision_table is using UTF-8 collation PASS
Table mantis_bug_table is using UTF-8 collation
Table mantis_bug_table is using latin1_swedish_ci collation where UTF-8 collation is required. FAIL
Table mantis_bug_tag_table is using UTF-8 collation
Table mantis_bug_tag_table is using latin1_swedish_ci collation where UTF-8 collation is required. FAIL
Table mantis_bug_text_table is using UTF-8 collation
Table mantis_bug_text_table is using latin1_swedish_ci collation where UTF-8 collation is required. FAIL
Table mantis_bugnote_table is using UTF-8 collation
Table mantis_bugnote_table is using latin1_swedish_ci collation where UTF-8 collation is required. FAIL
Table mantis_bugnote_text_table is using UTF-8 collation
Table mantis_bugnote_text_table is using latin1_swedish_ci collation where UTF-8 collation is required. FAIL
Table mantis_category_table is using UTF-8 collation PASS
Table mantis_config_table is using UTF-8 collation
Table mantis_config_table is using latin1_swedish_ci collation where UTF-8 collation is required. FAIL
Table mantis_custom_field_project_table is using UTF-8 collation
Table mantis_custom_field_project_table is using latin1_swedish_ci collation where UTF-8 collation is required. FAIL
Table mantis_custom_field_string_table is using UTF-8 collation
Table mantis_custom_field_string_table is using latin1_swedish_ci collation where UTF-8 collation is required. FAIL
Table mantis_custom_field_table is using UTF-8 collation
Table mantis_custom_field_table is using latin1_swedish_ci collation where UTF-8 collation is required. FAIL
Table mantis_custom_field_text_table is using UTF-8 collation
Table mantis_custom_field_text_table is using latin1_general_ci collation where UTF-8 collation is required. FAIL
Table mantis_email_table is using UTF-8 collation
Table mantis_email_table is using latin1_swedish_ci collation where UTF-8 collation is required. FAIL
Table mantis_filters_table is using UTF-8 collation
Table mantis_filters_table is using latin1_swedish_ci collation where UTF-8 collation is required. FAIL
Table mantis_news_table is using UTF-8 collation
Table mantis_news_table is using latin1_swedish_ci collation where UTF-8 collation is required. FAIL
Table mantis_plugin_announce_context_table is using UTF-8 collation PASS
Table mantis_plugin_announce_dismissed_table is using UTF-8 collation PASS
Table mantis_plugin_announce_message_table is using UTF-8 collation PASS
Table mantis_plugin_table is using UTF-8 collation PASS
Table mantis_project_file_table is using UTF-8 collation
Table mantis_project_file_table is using latin1_swedish_ci collation where UTF-8 collation is required. FAIL
Table mantis_project_hierarchy_table is using UTF-8 collation
Table mantis_project_hierarchy_table is using latin1_swedish_ci collation where UTF-8 collation is required. FAIL
Table mantis_project_table is using UTF-8 collation
Table mantis_project_table is using latin1_swedish_ci collation where UTF-8 collation is required. FAIL
Table mantis_project_user_list_table is using UTF-8 collation
Table mantis_project_user_list_table is using latin1_swedish_ci collation where UTF-8 collation is required. FAIL
Table mantis_project_version_table is using UTF-8 collation
Table mantis_project_version_table is using latin1_swedish_ci collation where UTF-8 collation is required. FAIL
Table mantis_sponsorship_table is using UTF-8 collation
Table mantis_sponsorship_table is using latin1_swedish_ci collation where UTF-8 collation is required. FAIL
Table mantis_tag_table is using UTF-8 collation
Table mantis_tag_table is using latin1_swedish_ci collation where UTF-8 collation is required. FAIL
Table mantis_tokens_table is using UTF-8 collation
Table mantis_tokens_table is using latin1_swedish_ci collation where UTF-8 collation is required. FAIL
Table mantis_user_pref_table is using UTF-8 collation
Table mantis_user_pref_table is using latin1_swedish_ci collation where UTF-8 collation is required. FAIL
Table mantis_user_print_pref_table is using UTF-8 collation
Table mantis_user_print_pref_table is using latin1_swedish_ci collation where UTF-8 collation is required. FAIL
Table mantis_user_profile_table is using UTF-8 collation
Table mantis_user_profile_table is using latin1_swedish_ci collation where UTF-8 collation is required. FAIL
Table mantis_user_table is using UTF-8 collation
Table mantis_user_table is using latin1_swedish_ci collation where UTF-8 collation is required. FAIL
Text column name of type varchar(128) on table mantis_api_token_table is using UTF-8 collation PASS
Text column hash of type varchar(128) on table mantis_api_token_table is using UTF-8 collation PASS
Text column title of type varchar(250) on table mantis_bug_file_table is using UTF-8 collation
Text column title of type varchar(250) on table mantis_bug_file_table is using latin1_swedish_ci collation where UTF-8 collation is required. FAIL
Text column description of type varchar(250) on table mantis_bug_file_table is using UTF-8 collation
Text column description of type varchar(250) on table mantis_bug_file_table is using latin1_swedish_ci collation where UTF-8 collation is required. FAIL
Text column diskfile of type varchar(250) on table mantis_bug_file_table is using UTF-8 collation
Text column diskfile of type varchar(250) on table mantis_bug_file_table is using latin1_swedish_ci collation where UTF-8 collation is required. FAIL
Text column filename of type varchar(250) on table mantis_bug_file_table is using UTF-8 collation
Text column filename of type varchar(250) on table mantis_bug_file_table is using latin1_swedish_ci collation where UTF-8 collation is required. FAIL
Text column folder of type varchar(250) on table mantis_bug_file_table is using UTF-8 collation
Text column folder of type varchar(250) on table mantis_bug_file_table is using latin1_swedish_ci collation where UTF-8 collation is required. FAIL
Text column file_type of type varchar(250) on table mantis_bug_file_table is using UTF-8 collation
Text column file_type of type varchar(250) on table mantis_bug_file_table is using latin1_swedish_ci collation where UTF-8 collation is required. FAIL
Text column field_name of type varchar(64) on table mantis_bug_history_table is using UTF-8 collation
Text column field_name of type varchar(64) on table mantis_bug_history_table is using latin1_swedish_ci collation where UTF-8 collation is required. FAIL
Text column old_value of type varchar(255) on table mantis_bug_history_table is using UTF-8 collation
Text column old_value of type varchar(255) on table mantis_bug_history_table is using latin1_swedish_ci collation where UTF-8 collation is required. FAIL
Text column new_value of type varchar(255) on table mantis_bug_history_table is using UTF-8 collation
Text column new_value of type varchar(255) on table mantis_bug_history_table is using latin1_swedish_ci collation where UTF-8 collation is required. FAIL
Text column value of type longtext on table mantis_bug_revision_table is using UTF-8 collation PASS
Text column os of type varchar(32) on table mantis_bug_table is using UTF-8 collation
Text column os of type varchar(32) on table mantis_bug_table is using latin1_swedish_ci collation where UTF-8 collation is required. FAIL
Text column os_build of type varchar(32) on table mantis_bug_table is using UTF-8 collation
Text column os_build of type varchar(32) on table mantis_bug_table is using latin1_swedish_ci collation where UTF-8 collation is required. FAIL
Text column platform of type varchar(32) on table mantis_bug_table is using UTF-8 collation
Text column platform of type varchar(32) on table mantis_bug_table is using latin1_swedish_ci collation where UTF-8 collation is required. FAIL
Text column version of type varchar(64) on table mantis_bug_table is using UTF-8 collation
Text column version of type varchar(64) on table mantis_bug_table is using latin1_swedish_ci collation where UTF-8 collation is required. FAIL
Text column fixed_in_version of type varchar(64) on table mantis_bug_table is using UTF-8 collation
Text column fixed_in_version of type varchar(64) on table mantis_bug_table is using latin1_swedish_ci collation where UTF-8 collation is required. FAIL
Text column build of type varchar(32) on table mantis_bug_table is using UTF-8 collation
Text column build of type varchar(32) on table mantis_bug_table is using latin1_swedish_ci collation where UTF-8 collation is required. FAIL
Text column summary of type varchar(128) on table mantis_bug_table is using UTF-8 collation
Text column summary of type varchar(128) on table mantis_bug_table is using latin1_swedish_ci collation where UTF-8 collation is required. FAIL
Text column target_version of type varchar(64) on table mantis_bug_table is using UTF-8 collation
Text column target_version of type varchar(64) on table mantis_bug_table is using latin1_swedish_ci collation where UTF-8 collation is required. FAIL
Text column description of type mediumtext on table mantis_bug_text_table is using UTF-8 collation
Text column description of type mediumtext on table mantis_bug_text_table is using latin1_swedish_ci collation where UTF-8 collation is required. FAIL
Text column steps_to_reproduce of type text on table mantis_bug_text_table is using UTF-8 collation
Text column steps_to_reproduce of type text on table mantis_bug_text_table is using latin1_swedish_ci collation where UTF-8 collation is required. FAIL
Text column additional_information of type text on table mantis_bug_text_table is using UTF-8 collation
Text column additional_information of type text on table mantis_bug_text_table is using latin1_swedish_ci collation where UTF-8 collation is required. FAIL
Text column note_attr of type varchar(250) on table mantis_bugnote_table is using UTF-8 collation
Text column note_attr of type varchar(250) on table mantis_bugnote_table is using latin1_swedish_ci collation where UTF-8 collation is required. FAIL
Text column note of type mediumtext on table mantis_bugnote_text_table is using UTF-8 collation
Text column note of type mediumtext on table mantis_bugnote_text_table is using latin1_swedish_ci collation where UTF-8 collation is required. FAIL
Text column name of type varchar(128) on table mantis_category_table is using UTF-8 collation PASS
Text column config_id of type varchar(64) on table mantis_config_table is using UTF-8 collation
Text column config_id of type varchar(64) on table mantis_config_table is using latin1_swedish_ci collation where UTF-8 collation is required. FAIL
Text column value of type text on table mantis_config_table is using UTF-8 collation
Text column value of type text on table mantis_config_table is using latin1_swedish_ci collation where UTF-8 collation is required. FAIL
Text column value of type varchar(255) on table mantis_custom_field_string_table is using UTF-8 collation
Text column value of type varchar(255) on table mantis_custom_field_string_table is using latin1_swedish_ci collation where UTF-8 collation is required. FAIL
Text column text of type longtext on table mantis_custom_field_string_table is using UTF-8 collation
Text column text of type longtext on table mantis_custom_field_string_table is using latin1_swedish_ci collation where UTF-8 collation is required. FAIL
Text column name of type varchar(64) on table mantis_custom_field_table is using UTF-8 collation
Text column name of type varchar(64) on table mantis_custom_field_table is using latin1_swedish_ci collation where UTF-8 collation is required. FAIL
Text column possible_values of type text on table mantis_custom_field_table is using UTF-8 collation
Text column possible_values of type text on table mantis_custom_field_table is using latin1_swedish_ci collation where UTF-8 collation is required. FAIL
Text column default_value of type varchar(255) on table mantis_custom_field_table is using UTF-8 collation
Text column default_value of type varchar(255) on table mantis_custom_field_table is using latin1_swedish_ci collation where UTF-8 collation is required. FAIL
Text column valid_regexp of type varchar(255) on table mantis_custom_field_table is using UTF-8 collation
Text column valid_regexp of type varchar(255) on table mantis_custom_field_table is using latin1_swedish_ci collation where UTF-8 collation is required. FAIL
Text column value of type text on table mantis_custom_field_text_table is using UTF-8 collation
Text column value of type text on table mantis_custom_field_text_table is using latin1_general_ci collation where UTF-8 collation is required. FAIL
Text column email of type varchar(64) on table mantis_email_table is using UTF-8 collation
Text column email of type varchar(64) on table mantis_email_table is using latin1_swedish_ci collation where UTF-8 collation is required. FAIL
Text column subject of type varchar(250) on table mantis_email_table is using UTF-8 collation
Text column subject of type varchar(250) on table mantis_email_table is using latin1_swedish_ci collation where UTF-8 collation is required. FAIL
Text column metadata of type longtext on table mantis_email_table is using UTF-8 collation
Text column metadata of type longtext on table mantis_email_table is using latin1_swedish_ci collation where UTF-8 collation is required. FAIL
Text column body of type longtext on table mantis_email_table is using UTF-8 collation
Text column body of type longtext on table mantis_email_table is using latin1_swedish_ci collation where UTF-8 collation is required. FAIL
Text column name of type varchar(64) on table mantis_filters_table is using UTF-8 collation
Text column name of type varchar(64) on table mantis_filters_table is using latin1_swedish_ci collation where UTF-8 collation is required. FAIL
Text column filter_string of type text on table mantis_filters_table is using UTF-8 collation
Text column filter_string of type text on table mantis_filters_table is using latin1_swedish_ci collation where UTF-8 collation is required. FAIL
Text column headline of type varchar(64) on table mantis_news_table is using UTF-8 collation
Text column headline of type varchar(64) on table mantis_news_table is using latin1_swedish_ci collation where UTF-8 collation is required. FAIL
Text column body of type text on table mantis_news_table is using UTF-8 collation
Text column body of type text on table mantis_news_table is using latin1_swedish_ci collation where UTF-8 collation is required. FAIL
Text column location of type varchar(20) on table mantis_plugin_announce_context_table is using UTF-8 collation PASS
Text column title of type varchar(100) on table mantis_plugin_announce_message_table is using UTF-8 collation PASS
Text column message of type longtext on table mantis_plugin_announce_message_table is using UTF-8 collation PASS
Text column basename of type varchar(40) on table mantis_plugin_table is using UTF-8 collation PASS
Text column title of type varchar(250) on table mantis_project_file_table is using UTF-8 collation
Text column title of type varchar(250) on table mantis_project_file_table is using latin1_swedish_ci collation where UTF-8 collation is required. FAIL
Text column description of type varchar(250) on table mantis_project_file_table is using UTF-8 collation
Text column description of type varchar(250) on table mantis_project_file_table is using latin1_swedish_ci collation where UTF-8 collation is required. FAIL
Text column diskfile of type varchar(250) on table mantis_project_file_table is using UTF-8 collation
Text column diskfile of type varchar(250) on table mantis_project_file_table is using latin1_swedish_ci collation where UTF-8 collation is required. FAIL
Text column filename of type varchar(250) on table mantis_project_file_table is using UTF-8 collation
Text column filename of type varchar(250) on table mantis_project_file_table is using latin1_swedish_ci collation where UTF-8 collation is required. FAIL
Text column folder of type varchar(250) on table mantis_project_file_table is using UTF-8 collation
Text column folder of type varchar(250) on table mantis_project_file_table is using latin1_swedish_ci collation where UTF-8 collation is required. FAIL
Text column file_type of type varchar(250) on table mantis_project_file_table is using UTF-8 collation
Text column file_type of type varchar(250) on table mantis_project_file_table is using latin1_swedish_ci collation where UTF-8 collation is required. FAIL
Text column name of type varchar(128) on table mantis_project_table is using UTF-8 collation
Text column name of type varchar(128) on table mantis_project_table is using latin1_swedish_ci collation where UTF-8 collation is required. FAIL
Text column file_path of type varchar(250) on table mantis_project_table is using UTF-8 collation
Text column file_path of type varchar(250) on table mantis_project_table is using latin1_swedish_ci collation where UTF-8 collation is required. FAIL
Text column description of type text on table mantis_project_table is using UTF-8 collation
Text column description of type text on table mantis_project_table is using latin1_swedish_ci collation where UTF-8 collation is required. FAIL
Text column version of type varchar(64) on table mantis_project_version_table is using UTF-8 collation
Text column version of type varchar(64) on table mantis_project_version_table is using latin1_swedish_ci collation where UTF-8 collation is required. FAIL
Text column description of type text on table mantis_project_version_table is using UTF-8 collation
Text column description of type text on table mantis_project_version_table is using latin1_swedish_ci collation where UTF-8 collation is required. FAIL
Text column logo of type varchar(128) on table mantis_sponsorship_table is using UTF-8 collation
Text column logo of type varchar(128) on table mantis_sponsorship_table is using latin1_swedish_ci collation where UTF-8 collation is required. FAIL
Text column url of type varchar(128) on table mantis_sponsorship_table is using UTF-8 collation
Text column url of type varchar(128) on table mantis_sponsorship_table is using latin1_swedish_ci collation where UTF-8 collation is required. FAIL
Text column name of type varchar(100) on table mantis_tag_table is using UTF-8 collation
Text column name of type varchar(100) on table mantis_tag_table is using latin1_swedish_ci collation where UTF-8 collation is required. FAIL
Text column description of type longtext on table mantis_tag_table is using UTF-8 collation
Text column description of type longtext on table mantis_tag_table is using latin1_swedish_ci collation where UTF-8 collation is required. FAIL
Text column value of type text on table mantis_tokens_table is using UTF-8 collation
Text column value of type text on table mantis_tokens_table is using latin1_swedish_ci collation where UTF-8 collation is required. FAIL
Text column bugnote_order of type varchar(4) on table mantis_user_pref_table is using UTF-8 collation
Text column bugnote_order of type varchar(4) on table mantis_user_pref_table is using latin1_swedish_ci collation where UTF-8 collation is required. FAIL
Text column language of type varchar(32) on table mantis_user_pref_table is using UTF-8 collation
Text column language of type varchar(32) on table mantis_user_pref_table is using latin1_swedish_ci collation where UTF-8 collation is required. FAIL
Text column timezone of type varchar(32) on table mantis_user_pref_table is using UTF-8 collation
Text column timezone of type varchar(32) on table mantis_user_pref_table is using latin1_swedish_ci collation where UTF-8 collation is required. FAIL
Text column print_pref of type varchar(64) on table mantis_user_print_pref_table is using UTF-8 collation
Text column print_pref of type varchar(64) on table mantis_user_print_pref_table is using latin1_swedish_ci collation where UTF-8 collation is required. FAIL
Text column platform of type varchar(32) on table mantis_user_profile_table is using UTF-8 collation
Text column platform of type varchar(32) on table mantis_user_profile_table is using latin1_swedish_ci collation where UTF-8 collation is required. FAIL
Text column os of type varchar(32) on table mantis_user_profile_table is using UTF-8 collation
Text column os of type varchar(32) on table mantis_user_profile_table is using latin1_swedish_ci collation where UTF-8 collation is required. FAIL
Text column os_build of type varchar(32) on table mantis_user_profile_table is using UTF-8 collation
Text column os_build of type varchar(32) on table mantis_user_profile_table is using latin1_swedish_ci collation where UTF-8 collation is required. FAIL
Text column description of type text on table mantis_user_profile_table is using UTF-8 collation
Text column description of type text on table mantis_user_profile_table is using latin1_swedish_ci collation where UTF-8 collation is required. FAIL
Text column username of type varchar(191) on table mantis_user_table is using UTF-8 collation
Text column username of type varchar(191) on table mantis_user_table is using latin1_swedish_ci collation where UTF-8 collation is required. FAIL
Text column realname of type varchar(191) on table mantis_user_table is using UTF-8 collation
Text column realname of type varchar(191) on table mantis_user_table is using latin1_swedish_ci collation where UTF-8 collation is required. FAIL
Text column email of type varchar(191) on table mantis_user_table is using UTF-8 collation
Text column email of type varchar(191) on table mantis_user_table is using latin1_swedish_ci collation where UTF-8 collation is required. FAIL
Text column password of type varchar(64) on table mantis_user_table is using UTF-8 collation
Text column password of type varchar(64) on table mantis_user_table is using latin1_swedish_ci collation where UTF-8 collation is required. FAIL
Text column cookie_string of type varchar(64) on table mantis_user_table is using UTF-8 collation
Text column cookie_string of type varchar(64) on table mantis_user_table is using latin1_swedish_ci collation where UTF-8 collation is required. FAIL
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Re: APPLICATION ERROR #200 direkt ab Login / bei klick auf C

Post by atrol »

Ein erster Schritt, um einen Großteil der Warnungen wegzubekommen, ist die Konvertierung der Datenbank (vorher auf jeden Fall ein Backup erstellen!) ... general-ci
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Prof Hase
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Joined: 06 Jul 2011, 08:34

Re: APPLICATION ERROR #200 direkt ab Login / bei klick auf C

Post by Prof Hase »

Hi Atrol,

nun bin ich einmal dazu gekommen...
Jetzt habe ich nur noch folgende Warnungen offen - ich glaube jedoch das dies alles vertretbar ist und nicht im Zusammenhang mit dem Fehler steht.
Leider Trat der Fehler heute erneut wieder auf....

display_errors php.ini directive is disabled
For security reasons this directive should be disabled on all production and Internet facing servers. WARN
display_startup_errors php.ini directive is disabled
For security reasons this directive should be disabled on all production and Internet facing servers. WARN
MySQL Lifecycle and Release Support data availability
Release information for MySQL 10.1 series is not available, unable to perform the lifecycle checks. WARN
The configuration option show_footer_menu is now obsolete
The configuration option status_percentage_legend is now obsolete
core_path configuration option is set to a path outside the web root
For increased security it is recommended that you move the core_path directory outside the web root. WARN
class_path configuration option is set to a path outside the web root
For increased security it is recommended that you move the class_path directory outside the web root. WARN
library_path configuration option is set to a path outside the web root
For increased security it is recommended that you move the library_path directory outside the web root. WARN
config_path configuration option is set to a path outside the web root
For increased security it is recommended that you move the config_path directory outside the web root. WARN
language_path configuration option is set to a path outside the web root
For increased security it is recommended that you move the language_path directory outside the web root. WARN
SOAP Extension Enabled
Enable the PHP SOAP extension. WARN
Anonymous access
Browser Search engine names must be 16 chars or less
Either shorten the "search_title" configuration option to a maximum of 11 characters, or alter the "opensearch_XXX_short" language strings as appropriate to meet the OpenSearch 1.1 specification for the ShortName element. WARN

Achja wir haben zwischenzeitlich auch einmal eine neue XAMPP Version installiert und wieder alles migriert.
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Re: APPLICATION ERROR #200 direkt ab Login / bei klick auf C

Post by atrol »

Prof Hase wrote: Achja wir haben zwischenzeitlich auch einmal eine neue XAMPP Version installiert und wieder alles migriert.
Ist euch grundsätzlich klar, dass XAMPP aus verschiedenen Gründen für Produktivumgebungen eher nicht vorgesehen ist?
Nicht umsonst schreiben die Macher auf ihrer Seite:
Is XAMPP production ready?
XAMPP is not meant for production use but only for development environments
Ich setzte es selbst schon mal unter Windows ein, wenn ich auf die Schnelle etwas probieren will und habe auch keine derartigen Probleme mit einem frisch aufgesetzten Original Mantis.
Ein echter Multiuserbetrieb ist aber schon etwas anderes.
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Prof Hase
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Re: APPLICATION ERROR #200 direkt ab Login / bei klick auf C

Post by Prof Hase »

Hallo Atrol,

welche Alternativen kannst du denn nennen?!

Microsoft SQL-Server mit einem IIS?

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Location: Germany

Re: APPLICATION ERROR #200 direkt ab Login / bei klick auf C

Post by atrol »

Prof Hase wrote:welche Alternativen kannst du denn nennen?!
Microsoft SQL-Server mit einem IIS?
Sowas fragt man doch nicht in der Open Source Szene :wink:
Muss es denn unbedingt Windows sein?
Ich setze seit Jahren auf all meinen Produktivsystemen Linux/Unix Systeme für Mantis ein.
Läuft performant und stabil.

Wenn es denn Windows sein soll, rate ich zumindest vom Microsoft SQL-Server ab.
Nichts gegen die Datenbank an sich, sonder lediglich wegen der Tatsache, dass es im Mantis Umfeld hier einige bekannte Probleme gibt.
Keiner der derzeitigen Mantis Kern-Entwickler verwendet diese Datenbank bei Entwicklung, Test oder in der Produktivumgebung.

Unter Windows würde ich es z.B. mit einem Aufbau in der hier beschriebenen Art und Weise versuchen ... hp-mariadb
Was hier für Wordpress beschrieben wird, dürfte auch in ähnlicher Art und Weise für Mantis funktionieren.
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Prof Hase
Posts: 56
Joined: 06 Jul 2011, 08:34

Re: APPLICATION ERROR #200 direkt ab Login / bei klick auf C

Post by Prof Hase »

Ich wollte nur kurz berichten das der Fehler nun weg ist seitdem ich auf einen IIS umgestellt habe.
Die Bank ist weiterhin MYSQL.

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