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Mantis-Smime - Encrypted Notification Mails

Posted: 14 Nov 2011, 11:02
by cgrieger
Hi Everyone,

I've created a plugin which I would like to share with the Mantis community.
Mantis-Smime is a plugin which enables the Mantis Bug Tracker to encrypt mail notifications with X.509 certificates. It uses your existing Mantis SMTP configuration. This plugin was developed
for Mantis 1.2.8 but should work in any 1.2.x version of Mantis.
You can find the plugin's source code, an extractable archive and further information here:


Re: Mantis-Smime - Encrypted Notification Mails

Posted: 16 Nov 2011, 17:01
by atrol
Thanks for the contribution.
Maybe you want to add it to ... is_plugins ?

Re: Mantis-Smime - Encrypted Notification Mails

Posted: 23 Nov 2011, 09:39
by cgrieger
Yeah sure, I'll do that.
Could you create the ... ion_plugin page please?

Re: Mantis-Smime - Encrypted Notification Mails

Posted: 23 Nov 2011, 09:59
by atrol
cgrieger wrote: Could you create the ... ion_plugin page please?

Re: Mantis-Smime - Encrypted Notification Mails

Posted: 23 Nov 2011, 10:22
by cgrieger
Thanks, I updated the page.

Re: Mantis-Smime - Encrypted Notification Mails

Posted: 20 Feb 2015, 16:00
by mindstalker
Tried to install in Mantis 1.2.17 and it doesn't show up in the available plugins list. I have it installed in the plugins directory like all the other plugins. Is there some trick I'm overlooking?

Re: Mantis-Smime - Encrypted Notification Mails

Posted: 20 Feb 2015, 16:34
by atrol
Might be your problem:
Unfortunately the author of the plugin named the repository on Github mantisbt_smime (which might also be the name of the folder that you created under plugin folder)
As the name of the main plugin file is Smime.php the folder name must be exactly Smine (case sensitive on Unix systems)

Re: Mantis-Smime - Encrypted Notification Mails

Posted: 03 Mar 2015, 14:25
by Mejstro
Thanks for this plugin. I have tried it and made some minor changes for my needs:
1) Translated it to Czech language

Code: Select all

$s_plugin_smime_title = 'Mantis-S/MIME';
$s_plugin_smime_description = 'Umožňuje odesílat šifrované e-maily.';
$s_plugin_Smime_menu_manage = 'Konfigurace S/MIME';
$s_plugin_smime_add_user_title = 'Přidat certifikát uživateli';
$s_plugin_smime_existing_user_title = 'Uživatelé s certifikátem';
$s_plugin_Smime_delete = 'Smazat';
$s_plugin_Smime_cert_import_error = 'Import certifikátu se nezdařil. Neplatný certifikát!';
$s_plugin_Smime_success = 'Operace proběhla úspěšně.';
$s_plugin_Smime_error = 'Chyba.';
$s_plugin_Smime_test = 'Testovací e-mail';
$s_plugin_Smime_select_certificate_file = 'Vyberte soubor s certifikátem';
$s_plugin_smime_submit = 'Odeslat';
$s_plugin_Smime_user_title = 'Přehled uživatelů';
$s_plugin_Smime_user_action = 'Možnosti uživatele';

$s_plugin_Smime_bugnote = 'Přidána POZNÁMKA k problému.';
$s_plugin_Smime_owner = 'Problém byl PŘIŘAZEN.';
$s_plugin_Smime_new = 'Stav problému byl nastaven jako NOVÝ.';
$s_plugin_Smime_feedback = 'Stav problému byl nastaven jako  REAKCE.';
$s_plugin_Smime_resolved = 'Stav problému byl nastaven jako POTVRZENÝ.';
$s_plugin_Smime_closed = 'Stav problému byl nastaven jako UZAVŘENÝ';
$s_plugin_Smime_reopened = 'Problém byl ZNOVU OTEVŘEN.';
$s_plugin_Smime_deleted = 'Problém byl SMAZÁN.';
$s_plugin_Smime_updated = 'Problém byl AKTUALIZOVÁN.';
$s_plugin_Smime_sponsor = 'Změnilo se SPONZORSTVÍ problému.';
$s_plugin_Smime_relation = 'Byly změněny vztahy problému.';
$s_plugin_Smime_monitor = 'Tento problém je monitorován dalším uživatelem.';
2) Added some translation variables for hardcoded strings

3) Fixed broken link to settings on plugin list
Smime.php, line 14

Code: Select all

$this->page = 'manage_smime_page';

Re: Mantis-Smime - Encrypted Notification Mails

Posted: 03 Mar 2015, 16:36
by Mejstro
May I have one more question? Would be possible to allow each user upload his certificate in his profile page?
Thanks for your answer...