Changesets: MantisBT

master 41c5ce6c

2020-05-02 11:23


Details Diff
Use git plumbing to retrieve branches list

Call `git for-each-ref` instead of `git branch` ensures consistent
output for the script's processing.
mod - build/ Diff File
mod - build/ Diff File

master b27f6adc

2020-05-02 08:42


Details Diff
Fix build scripts' Python syntax

Follow PEP8 style guidelines

- Code must be indented with spaces
- Comments must be '# ' (space after hash)
- break long lines

Follow-up on issue 0026903
Affected Issues
mod - build/ Diff File
mod - build/ Diff File
mod - build/ Diff File
mod - build/ Diff File

master 49fc1cec

2020-05-02 07:51


Details Diff
Merge branch 'master-2.24'
mod - api/rest/restcore/users_rest.php Diff File
mod - core/commands/UserResetPasswordCommand.php Diff File
mod - core/user_api.php Diff File
mod - manage_user_reset.php Diff File

master-2.24 0d5a7397

2020-05-02 07:48


Details Diff
UserResetPassword Command fixes

Merge PR

Fixes 0026880, 0026885
See issue 0026632
Affected Issues
0026632, 0026880, 0026885
mod - api/rest/restcore/users_rest.php Diff File
mod - core/commands/UserResetPasswordCommand.php Diff File
mod - core/user_api.php Diff File
mod - manage_user_reset.php Diff File

master 92676333

2020-05-02 07:33


Details Diff
Fix Travis builds

Following renaming of build-scripts/ dir, I forgot to update .travis.yml
Affected Issues
mod - .travis.yml Diff File
mod - build/ Diff File
mod - build/ Diff File

master a77c75e3

2020-05-02 06:55


Details Diff
Rename 'build-scripts/' to 'build/'

Do it right this time.
Affected Issues

master af33f6f5

2020-05-02 06:55


Details Diff
Rename 'build-scripts/' to 'build/' Affected Issues

master-2.24 25cd0b67

2020-04-30 08:15


Details Diff
Revert REST API to not sending content

Following discussion with vboctor, since we intend to have a separate
Command and API endpoint to unlock an account, it is better not to
change /users/:user_id/reset.
mod - api/rest/restcore/users_rest.php Diff File

master-2.24 ddab10f2

2020-04-29 16:20


Details Diff
First check if user is authorized to reset password
mod - core/commands/UserResetPasswordCommand.php Diff File

master-2.24 23c72474

2020-04-29 16:16


Details Diff
Remove redundant check on user id in validate()
mod - core/commands/UserResetPasswordCommand.php Diff File

master 55833c9d

2020-04-29 15:52


Details Diff
Use existing API function

Instead of duplicating the logic to determine whether an account can be
unlocked, use existing API function user_is_login_request_allowed().

Fixes 0026930
Affected Issues
mod - manage_user_edit_page.php Diff File

master 83f756b4

2020-04-29 15:51


Details Diff
Removed unused language string

'account_reset_protected_msg' was not referenced anywhere.
mod - lang/strings_english.txt Diff File

master-2.24 0753c345

2020-04-29 15:51


Details Diff
PR review fixes

Adressing @vboctor's comments

- Getting rid of RESULT_FAILURE constant
- Fix case of ERROR_PROTECTED_ACCOUNT exception being thrown when
the account is locked (it should be unlocked in this case)
- Simplify logic in process() method
mod - api/rest/restcore/users_rest.php Diff File
mod - core/commands/UserResetPasswordCommand.php Diff File
mod - core/user_api.php Diff File
mod - manage_user_reset.php Diff File

master fd31cb6c

2020-04-27 06:49

Details Diff
Localisation updates from
mod - lang/strings_hungarian.txt Diff File
mod - lang/strings_persian.txt Diff File
mod - plugins/MantisCoreFormatting/lang/strings_hungarian.txt Diff File
mod - plugins/MantisGraph/lang/strings_hungarian.txt Diff File
mod - plugins/MantisGraph/lang/strings_persian.txt Diff File
mod - plugins/XmlImportExport/lang/strings_hungarian.txt Diff File

master 14ae1c8a

2020-04-25 20:58


Details Diff
Update build scripts and add README

Fixes 0026903
Affected Issues
add - build-scripts/ Diff File
mod - build-scripts/ Diff File
mod - build-scripts/ Diff File

master 67b5648b

2020-04-25 20:56


Details Diff
Move Travis CI scripts to `build-scripts` folder

Fixes 0026903
Affected Issues
mod - .travis.yml Diff File
mod - scripts/ Diff File

master f77516fe

2020-04-25 19:59


Details Diff
phpdoc updates for lang command and API
mod - api/rest/restcore/lang_rest.php Diff File
mod - core/commands/LocalizedStringsGetCommand.php Diff File

master 2b13777c

2020-04-25 09:30


Details Diff add former developers' PGP keys

Added the public keys used by former developers jreese and dhx to sign
release tags, as well as an old key of vboctor.

Issue 0022269

For future reference, here are the steps and commands used to automate
the process of identifying the missing keys and adding them, as I really
didn't want to manually check all 182 tags in he repository.

1. Find all annotated tags
git for-each-ref --format="%(objecttype) %(refname:short)" refs/tags |
grep ^tag |cut -d" " -f2| sort -V >/tmp/annotated-tags
2. Get all signed tags (removing annotated tags without signature), with
GPG verification data on a single line
cat /tmp/annotated-tags |
xargs -n1 -I TAG bash -c 'echo "TAG $(git verify-tag TAG |& paste -s)"' |
grep -v "error: no signature found" >/tmp/signed-tags-data
3. Identify the missing keys from the tags for which the signature could
not be checked (i.e. excluding those for which we already have a
public key). The command prints the number of identified keys.
cat /tmp/signed-tags-data |
sed -rn "/gpg: Can't check signature/s/^.*using \w+ key (\w+).*$/\1/p" |
sort -u |tee /tmp/missing-keys |wc -l
4. Retrieve the missing keys from keyserver. The command should import
the same number of keys as identified at step 3.
cat /tmp/missing-keys |cut -d" " -f1 |xargs gpg --receive-keys
5. Review, sign and trust the newly added keys.
cat /tmp/missing-keys |cut -d" " -f1 |xargs -n1 gpg --sign-key
6. Verify that we have successfully added all the necessary keys: the
following command should return an empty list.
cat /tmp/signed-tags-data |cut -d" " -f1 |
xargs -n1 -I TAG bash -c 'echo "TAG $(git verify-tag TAG |& paste -s)"' |
grep -v "Good signature"
Affected Issues
mod - Diff File

master ab440b19

2020-04-25 08:55


Details Diff
Add PGP public keys used to sign releases

The files contains basic instructions and lists the PGP public keys of
MantisBT Developers, which were used to sign official release packages
and the corresponding tags in the Git repository.

Issue 0022269
Affected Issues
add - Diff File

master 99a5925e

2020-04-21 10:29


Details Diff
Bring in release scripts from mantisbt-tools

We had our build tools split between MantisBT main repo and mantisbt-tools repo.
It is a better approach to have the scripts in the main repo, so each MantisBT branch
can have the corresponding version of the build scripts that works with it. Also it makes
it easier to keep the build scripts up-to-date as the MantisBT core code changes.

The code here is exactly the same as the following commit in `mantisbt/mantisbt-tools`:

Fixes 0026903
Affected Issues
add - build-scripts/.htaccess Diff File
add - build-scripts/Web.config Diff File
add - build-scripts/ Diff File
add - build-scripts/ Diff File
add - build-scripts/check_apostrophe.php Diff File
add - build-scripts/check_formatting.php Diff File
add - build-scripts/check_lang.php Diff File
add - build-scripts/check_lineterm.php Diff File
add - build-scripts/ Diff File
add - build-scripts/ Diff File
add - build-scripts/ Diff File
add - build-scripts/ Diff File

master 70fa6aaf

2020-04-20 13:02


Details Diff
Rename status message language strings
mod - core/classes/InvalidDefinitionPlugin.class.php Diff File
mod - core/classes/MissingClassPlugin.class.php Diff File
mod - core/classes/MissingPlugin.class.php Diff File
mod - lang/strings_english.txt Diff File

master c31e56cd

2020-04-20 13:00


Details Diff
Tweak invalid plugin status message strings
mod - lang/strings_english.txt Diff File

master 84dcd811

2020-04-20 12:59


Details Diff
Add status message for MissingPlugin class
mod - admin/check/check_plugins_inc.php Diff File
mod - core/classes/MissingPlugin.class.php Diff File
mod - lang/strings_english.txt Diff File

master 1cc269b5

2020-04-20 12:57


Details Diff
Refactor following PR review

Based on @cproensa's suggestion, see

Invalid Plugin classes changes:
- Define a new InvalidDefinitionPlugin class for the case of missing
required properties (name and version)
- InvalidPlugin becomes a generic, base class for invalid plugins
- Initialize with InvalidPlugin::setInvalidPlugin() method

MantisPlugin base class changes:
- New properties $status (with related STATUS_xxx constants) and
$status_message to MantisPlugin class
- Method isValid() returns a loaded plugin's actual validity status
- Method getInvalidPlugin() creates an InvalidPlugin object from the
current plugin and initializes it with setInvalidPlugin().

Plugin API, management and admin checks page have been modified to
leverage the new class, properties and methods.
mod - admin/check/check_plugins_inc.php Diff File
add - core/classes/InvalidDefinitionPlugin.class.php Diff File
mod - core/classes/InvalidPlugin.class.php Diff File
mod - core/classes/MantisPlugin.class.php Diff File
mod - core/classes/MissingClassPlugin.class.php Diff File
mod - core/classes/MissingPlugin.class.php Diff File
mod - core/plugin_api.php Diff File
mod - manage_plugin_page.php Diff File
mod - manage_plugin_uninstall.php Diff File
mod - manage_plugin_upgrade.php Diff File

master a0b18ec6

2020-04-20 12:32


Details Diff
Split plugin_missing_class_description string

One string for the actual description, and another for detailed info.
mod - core/classes/MissingClassPlugin.class.php Diff File
mod - lang/strings_english.txt Diff File
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