Changesets: MantisBT

master-1.2.x c6109041

2013-04-23 11:39


Details Diff
Fix 0015777: Wrong value in field "Date Submitted" when copying issues Affected Issues
mod - core/bug_api.php Diff File

master f2b9bb7e

2013-04-23 07:30

Damien Regad

Details Diff
Fix 0015774: unable to simultaneously upload > 5 files
mod - bug_file_add.php Diff File
mod - bug_report.php Diff File

master-1.2.x 4bb2be6f

2013-04-23 07:30


Committer: dregad

Details Diff
Fix 0015774: unable to simultaneously upload > 5 files Affected Issues
mod - bug_file_add.php Diff File
mod - bug_report.php Diff File

master 097eac43

2013-04-23 07:27

Damien Regad

Details Diff
New helper_array_transpose api function

Required for issue 0015774
mod - core/helper_api.php Diff File

master-1.2.x 3ee6137c

2013-04-23 07:27


Committer: dregad

Details Diff
New helper_array_transpose api function

Required for issue 0015774
Affected Issues
mod - core/helper_api.php Diff File

master 4770b3b2

2013-04-23 01:46


Details Diff
Fix 0015775: Wrong reporter when copying an issue Affected Issues
mod - core/bug_api.php Diff File

master-1.2.x 26572cd3

2013-04-23 01:42


Details Diff
Fix 0015775: Wrong reporter when copying an issue Affected Issues
mod - core/bug_api.php Diff File

master f2e6550e

2013-04-23 00:38


Details Diff
Reporter not allowed changing Reporter when limit_reporters = ON

When reporters are limited to their own issues and allowed to update
issues, they are able to change the issue's reporter (and gain
visibility on existence of other reporters).

This commit fixes the problem by only displaying the current reporter's
name (i.e without the [edit] ajax) when $g_limit_reporters = ON and the
current user's access level is greater than REPORTER.

Fixes 0015770
Affected Issues
mod - bug_update_advanced_page.php Diff File

master-1.2.x 00b6e318

2013-04-23 00:38


Details Diff
Reporter not allowed changing Reporter when limit_reporters = ON

When reporters are limited to their own issues and allowed to update
issues, they are able to change the issue's reporter (and gain
visibility on existence of other reporters).

This commit fixes the problem by only displaying the current reporter's
name (i.e without the [edit] ajax) when $g_limit_reporters = ON and the
current user's access level is greater than REPORTER.

Fixes 0015770
Affected Issues
mod - bug_update_advanced_page.php Diff File

master d5ead817

2013-04-21 11:15


Details Diff
Expand SOAP API documentation

Fixes 0014301: Add SOAP API documentation in the administration guide

Affected Issues
mod - docbook/Admin_Guide/en-US/Configuration.xml Diff File

master-1.2.x 46564e69

2013-04-21 11:15


Details Diff
Expand SOAP API documentation

Fixes 0014301: Add SOAP API documentation in the administration guide
Affected Issues
mod - docbook/administration_guide/en/configuration.sgml Diff File

master-1.2.x e957627d

2013-04-21 04:31


Details Diff
Localisation updates from
mod - lang/strings_czech.txt Diff File
mod - lang/strings_korean.txt Diff File
mod - lang/strings_ripoarisch.txt Diff File
mod - plugins/MantisCoreFormatting/lang/strings_ripoarisch.txt Diff File
mod - plugins/MantisGraph/lang/strings_ripoarisch.txt Diff File

master 120257b5

2013-04-20 05:00


Details Diff
soap api: add tests for the mc_issue_get_history call

Affects 0009936: add history information
Affected Issues
mod - tests/soap/AllTests.php Diff File
add - tests/soap/IssueHistoryTest.php Diff File

master-1.2.x 17793b94

2013-04-20 05:00


Details Diff
soap api: add tests for the mc_issue_get_history call

Affects 0009936: add history information
mod - tests/soap/AllTests.php Diff File
add - tests/soap/IssueHistoryTest.php Diff File

master-2.0.x b997da93

2013-04-19 15:23

Paul Richards

Details Diff
Initial work at adding MantisContext class concept
Removal of bulk of current_user_* api
mod - account_delete.php Diff File
mod - account_manage_columns_page.php Diff File
mod - account_page.php Diff File
mod - account_prefs_page.php Diff File
mod - account_prof_edit_page.php Diff File
mod - account_prof_menu_page.php Diff File
mod - account_prof_update.php Diff File
mod - account_sponsor_page.php Diff File
mod - account_update.php Diff File
mod - admin/check/check_anonymous_inc.php Diff File
mod - bug_actiongroup.php Diff File
mod - bug_actiongroup_ext.php Diff File
mod - bug_actiongroup_page.php Diff File
mod - bug_change_status_page.php Diff File
mod - bug_file_add.php Diff File
mod - bug_file_delete.php Diff File
mod - bug_monitor_add.php Diff File
mod - bug_monitor_delete.php Diff File
mod - bug_relationship_add.php Diff File
mod - bug_relationship_delete.php Diff File
mod - bug_relationship_graph.php Diff File
mod - bug_reminder.php Diff File
mod - bug_reminder_page.php Diff File
mod - bug_report_page.php Diff File
mod - bug_set_sponsorship.php Diff File
mod - bug_sponsorship_list_view_inc.php Diff File
mod - bug_stick.php Diff File
mod - bug_update.php Diff File
mod - bug_update_page.php Diff File
mod - bug_view_inc.php Diff File
mod - bugnote_add.php Diff File
mod - bugnote_delete.php Diff File
mod - bugnote_edit_page.php Diff File
mod - bugnote_set_view_state.php Diff File
mod - bugnote_view_inc.php Diff File
mod - core/access_api.php Diff File
mod - core/authentication_api.php Diff File
mod - core/bug_group_action_api.php Diff File
mod - core/category_api.php Diff File
add - core/classes/MantisContext.class.php Diff File
mod - core/classes/MantisError.class.php Diff File
mod - core/collapse_api.php Diff File
mod - core/config_api.php Diff File
mod - core/current_user_api.php Diff File
mod - core/email_api.php Diff File
mod - core/filter_api.php Diff File
mod - core/helper_api.php Diff File
mod - core/html_api.php Diff File
mod - core/last_visited_api.php Diff File
mod - core/news_api.php Diff File
mod - core/print_api.php Diff File
mod - core/project_api.php Diff File
mod - core/relationship_api.php Diff File
mod - core/rss_api.php Diff File
mod - core/string_api.php Diff File
mod - core/summary_api.php Diff File
mod - core/user_api.php Diff File
mod - login_page.php Diff File
mod - login_select_proj_page.php Diff File
mod - main_page.php Diff File
mod - manage/columns_copy.php Diff File
mod - manage/columns_inc.php Diff File
mod - manage/config_columns_set.php Diff File
mod - manage/config_email_page.php Diff File
mod - manage/config_email_set.php Diff File
mod - manage/config_work_threshold_set.php Diff File
mod - manage/config_workflow_graph_page.php Diff File
mod - manage/config_workflow_page.php Diff File
mod - manage/config_workflow_set.php Diff File
mod - manage/overview_page.php Diff File
mod - manage/proj_create.php Diff File
mod - manage/proj_create_page.php Diff File
mod - manage/proj_edit_page.php Diff File
mod - manage/proj_update_children.php Diff File
mod - my_view_page.php Diff File
mod - news_edit_page.php Diff File
mod - news_menu_page.php Diff File
mod - plugins/MantisGraph/pages/config.php Diff File
mod - plugins/MantisGraph/pages/config_edit.php Diff File
mod - print_all_bug_options_reset.php Diff File
mod - print_bug_page.php Diff File
mod - print_bugnote_inc.php Diff File
mod - proj_doc_page.php Diff File
mod - project_page.php Diff File
mod - return_dynamic_filters.php Diff File
mod - set_project.php Diff File
mod - summary_page.php Diff File
mod - view_all_bug_page.php Diff File
mod - view_all_inc.php Diff File
mod - view_filters_page.php Diff File
mod - view_user_page.php Diff File

master b292ef1b

2013-04-19 07:56


Details Diff
Add plugin event for e-mail subject customization


Fixes 0015648
Affected Issues
mod - core/email_api.php Diff File
mod - core/events_inc.php Diff File

master-1.2.x 4090050b

2013-04-19 07:56


Details Diff
Add plugin event for e-mail subject customization


Fixes 0015648
Affected Issues
mod - core/email_api.php Diff File
mod - core/events_inc.php Diff File

master-1.2.x d75c2fb9

2013-04-19 07:54


Details Diff
Simplify code, align to guidelines
mod - core/email_api.php Diff File

master 815a4e46

2013-04-17 04:44


Details Diff
Issue 0015496: wrong variable name in move_attachments.php Affected Issues
mod - admin/move_attachments.php Diff File

master-1.2.x cbc40374

2013-04-17 04:44


Details Diff
Issue 0015496: wrong variable name in move_attachments.php Affected Issues
mod - admin/move_attachments.php Diff File

master-2.0.x 5e2795c1

2013-04-16 12:33

Damien Regad

Committer: dregadmin

Details Diff
Fix 0015762: case insensitive email parsing regex Affected Issues
mod - core/email_api.php Diff File

master fe90bbec

2013-04-16 12:33


Details Diff
Fix 0015762: case insensitive email parsing regex Affected Issues
mod - core/email_api.php Diff File

master-1.2.x 4cb774c0

2013-04-16 12:33


Details Diff
Fix 0015762: case insensitive email parsing regex Affected Issues
mod - core/email_api.php Diff File

master-1.2.x 2384d299

2013-04-15 00:58


Details Diff
Fix redirection to system utils page after moving attachments Affected Issues
mod - admin/move_attachments.php Diff File

master 2f3baa33

2013-04-15 00:58


Details Diff
Fix redirection to system utils page after moving attachments Affected Issues
mod - admin/move_attachments.php Diff File
 First  Prev  1 2 3 ... 70 ... 140 ... 210 ... 280 ... 298 299 300 301 302 303 304 ... 350 ... 420 ... 490 ... 560 ... 630 ... 700 ... 703 704 705  Next  Last