2020-01-17 10:39 CET DB database_api.php:161 db_connect() array ( 0 => 'SET NAMES UTF8', 1 => '0.0003', ) 2020-01-17 10:39 CET DB plugin_api.php:910 plugin_register_installed() array ( 0 => 'SELECT basename, priority, protected FROM mantis_plugin_table WHERE enabled=\'1\' ORDER BY priority DESC', 1 => '0.0005', ) 2020-01-17 10:39 CET DB authentication_api.php:1062 auth_is_cookie_valid() array ( 0 => 'SELECT * FROM mantis_user_table WHERE cookie_string=\'2a94a6b0b3333fcc3978e0e2f275b7797c4e1485e64a15e8febf0833af7e7b24\'', 1 => '0.0004', ) 2020-01-17 10:39 CET DB user_pref_api.php:334 user_pref_cache_array_rows() array ( 0 => 'SELECT * FROM mantis_user_pref_table WHERE user_id IN (764) AND project_id = 0', 1 => '0.0011', ) 2020-01-17 10:39 CET DB project_api.php:109 project_cache_row() array ( 0 => 'SELECT * FROM mantis_project_table WHERE id=\'157\'', 1 => '0.0003', ) 2020-01-17 10:39 CET DB config_api.php:728 config_cache_all() array ( 0 => 'SELECT config_id, user_id, project_id, type, value, access_reqd FROM mantis_config_table', 1 => '0.0016', ) 2020-01-17 10:39 CET DB tokens_api.php:254 token_purge_expired() array ( 0 => 'DELETE FROM mantis_tokens_table WHERE 1579253948 > expiry', 1 => '0.0004', ) 2020-01-17 10:39 CET DB tokens_api.php:85 token_get() array ( 0 => 'SELECT * FROM mantis_tokens_table WHERE type=5 AND owner=764', 1 => '0.0003', ) 2020-01-17 10:39 CET DB bug_api.php:871 bug_cache_row() array ( 0 => 'SELECT * FROM mantis_bug_table WHERE id=56810', 1 => '0.0005', ) 2020-01-17 10:39 CET DB bug_api.php:978 bug_text_cache_row() array ( 0 => 'SELECT bt.* FROM mantis_bug_text_table bt, mantis_bug_table b WHERE b.id=56810 AND b.bug_text_id = bt.id', 1 => '0.0009', ) 2020-01-17 10:39 CET DB category_api.php:306 category_get_row() array ( 0 => 'SELECT * FROM mantis_category_table WHERE id=523', 1 => '0.0004', ) 2020-01-17 10:39 CET DB project_hierarchy_api.php:167 project_hierarchy_cache() array ( 0 => 'SELECT DISTINCT p.id, ph.parent_id, p.name, p.inherit_global, ph.inherit_parent FROM mantis_project_table p LEFT JOIN mantis_project_hierarchy_table ph ON ph.child_id = p.id WHERE p.enabled = \'1\' ORDER BY p.name', 1 => '0.0015', ) 2020-01-17 10:39 CET DB version_api.php:238 version_cache_array_rows() array ( 0 => 'SELECT * FROM mantis_project_version_table WHERE project_id IN (157,0)', 1 => '0.0005', ) 2020-01-17 10:39 CET DB user_api.php:130 user_cache_array_rows() array ( 0 => 'SELECT * FROM mantis_user_table WHERE id IN (966)', 1 => '0.0004', ) 2020-01-17 10:39 CET DB bug_api.php:1730 bug_get_attachments() array ( 0 => 'SELECT id, title, diskfile, filename, filesize, file_type, date_added, user_id, bugnote_id FROM mantis_bug_file_table WHERE bug_id=56810 ORDER BY date_added', 1 => '0.0005', ) 2020-01-17 10:39 CET DB bugnote_api.php:611 bugnote_get_all_bugnotes() array ( 0 => 'SELECT b.*, t.note FROM mantis_bugnote_table b LEFT JOIN mantis_bugnote_text_table t ON b.bugnote_text_id = t.id WHERE b.bug_id=56810 ORDER BY b.date_submitted ASC, b.id ASC', 1 => '0.0004', ) 2020-01-17 10:39 CET DB relationship_api.php:444 relationship_get_all_src() array ( 0 => 'SELECT mantis_bug_relationship_table.id, mantis_bug_relationship_table.relationship_type, mantis_bug_relationship_table.source_bug_id, mantis_bug_relationship_table.destination_bug_id, mantis_bug_table.project_id FROM mantis_bug_relationship_table INNER JOIN mantis_bug_table ON mantis_bug_relationship_table.destination_bug_id = mantis_bug_table.id WHERE source_bug_id=56810 ORDER BY relationship_type, mantis_bug_relationship_table.id', 1 => '0.0009', ) 2020-01-17 10:39 CET DB relationship_api.php:485 relationship_get_all_dest() array ( 0 => 'SELECT mantis_bug_relationship_table.id, mantis_bug_relationship_table.relationship_type, mantis_bug_relationship_table.source_bug_id, mantis_bug_relationship_table.destination_bug_id, mantis_bug_table.project_id FROM mantis_bug_relationship_table INNER JOIN mantis_bug_table ON mantis_bug_relationship_table.source_bug_id = mantis_bug_table.id WHERE destination_bug_id=56810 ORDER BY relationship_type, mantis_bug_relationship_table.id', 1 => '0.0008', ) 2020-01-17 10:39 CET DB custom_field_api.php:817 custom_field_get_linked_ids() array ( 0 => 'SELECT CFP.project_id, CF.id FROM mantis_custom_field_table CF JOIN mantis_custom_field_project_table CFP ON CFP.field_id = CF.id WHERE CFP.project_id IN (157) ORDER BY sequence ASC, name ASC', 1 => '0.0004', ) 2020-01-17 10:39 CET DB tag_api.php:139 tag_cache_bug_tag_rows() array ( 0 => 'SELECT B.id AS bug_id, BT.tag_id, BT.user_id, BT.date_attached FROM mantis_bug_table B LEFT OUTER JOIN mantis_bug_tag_table BT ON B.id=BT.bug_id WHERE B.id IN (56810)', 1 => '0.0063', ) 2020-01-17 10:39 CET DB bug_api.php:2099 bug_get_monitors() array ( 0 => 'SELECT user_id, enabled FROM mantis_bug_monitor_table m, mantis_user_table u WHERE m.bug_id=56810 AND m.user_id = u.id ORDER BY u.realname, u.username', 1 => '0.0011', ) 2020-01-17 10:39 CET DB history_api.php:272 history_query_result() array ( 0 => 'SELECT * FROM mantis_bug_history_table WHERE mantis_bug_history_table.bug_id = 56810 ORDER BY mantis_bug_history_table.date_modified ASC, mantis_bug_history_table.id ASC', 1 => '0.1308', ) 2020-01-17 10:39 CET DB user_api.php:130 user_cache_array_rows() array ( 0 => 'SELECT * FROM mantis_user_table WHERE id IN (430)', 1 => '0.0004', ) 2020-01-17 10:39 CET DB user_api.php:130 user_cache_array_rows() array ( 0 => 'SELECT * FROM mantis_user_table WHERE id IN (31)', 1 => '0.0005', ) 2020-01-17 10:39 CET DB user_api.php:130 user_cache_array_rows() array ( 0 => 'SELECT * FROM mantis_user_table WHERE id IN (679)', 1 => '0.0005', ) 2020-01-17 10:39 CET DB user_api.php:130 user_cache_array_rows() array ( 0 => 'SELECT * FROM mantis_user_table WHERE id IN (921)', 1 => '0.0006', ) 2020-01-17 10:39 CET DB user_api.php:130 user_cache_array_rows() array ( 0 => 'SELECT * FROM mantis_user_table WHERE id IN (920)', 1 => '0.0004', ) 2020-01-17 10:39 CET DB bug_api.php:871 bug_cache_row() array ( 0 => 'SELECT * FROM mantis_bug_table WHERE id=59490', 1 => '0.0005', ) 2020-01-17 10:39 CET DB user_api.php:130 user_cache_array_rows() array ( 0 => 'SELECT * FROM mantis_user_table WHERE id IN (11)', 1 => '0.0005', ) 2020-01-17 10:39 CET DB user_api.php:130 user_cache_array_rows() array ( 0 => 'SELECT * FROM mantis_user_table WHERE id IN (511)', 1 => '0.0005', ) 2020-01-17 10:39 CET DB bug_api.php:871 bug_cache_row() array ( 0 => 'SELECT * FROM mantis_bug_table WHERE id=60920', 1 => '0.0004', ) 2020-01-17 10:39 CET DB bug_api.php:1730 bug_get_attachments() array ( 0 => 'SELECT id, title, diskfile, filename, filesize, file_type, date_added, user_id, bugnote_id FROM mantis_bug_file_table WHERE bug_id=56810 ORDER BY date_added', 1 => '0.0005', ) 2020-01-17 10:39 CET DB user_api.php:130 user_cache_array_rows() array ( 0 => 'SELECT * FROM mantis_user_table WHERE id IN (0)', 1 => '0.0004', ) 2020-01-17 10:39 CET DB user_api.php:376 user_is_monitoring_bug() array ( 0 => 'SELECT COUNT(*) FROM mantis_bug_monitor_table WHERE user_id=764 AND bug_id=56810', 1 => '0.0006', ) 2020-01-17 10:39 CET DB tokens_api.php:85 token_get() array ( 0 => 'SELECT * FROM mantis_tokens_table WHERE type=3 AND owner=764', 1 => '0.0005', ) 2020-01-17 10:39 CET DB tokens_api.php:85 token_get() array ( 0 => 'SELECT * FROM mantis_tokens_table WHERE type=3 AND owner=764', 1 => '0.0005', ) 2020-01-17 10:39 CET DB tokens_api.php:202 token_create() array ( 0 => 'INSERT INTO mantis_tokens_table ( type, value, timestamp, expiry, owner ) VALUES ( 3, \'56810\', 1579253990, 1579340390, 764 )', 1 => '0.0020', ) 2020-01-17 10:39 CET DB user_api.php:1174 user_get_accessible_subprojects() array ( 0 => 'SELECT DISTINCT p.id, p.name, ph.parent_id FROM mantis_project_table p LEFT JOIN mantis_project_hierarchy_table ph ON ph.child_id = p.id WHERE p.enabled = \'1\' AND ph.parent_id IS NOT NULL ORDER BY p.name', 1 => '0.0010', ) 2020-01-17 10:39 CET DB project_api.php:149 project_cache_array_rows() array ( 0 => 'SELECT * FROM mantis_project_table WHERE id IN (169,126,331,288,290,162,285,340,59,93,313,270,207,160,277,60,299,179,346,159,74,222,11,68,109,49,2,6,47,14,155,156,188,338,172,163,3,158,282,268,321,297,190,258,189,320,342,127,339,212,234,269,240,237,215,221,235,204,231,350,343,223,198,317,196,178,187,281,173,337,181,312,316,267,182,303,286,326,306,275,304,324,323,322,325,192,251,193,289,291,203,220,305,202,205,296,161,308,341,89,211,276,236,327,264,352,345,265,266,332,328,329,314,315,318,319,271,284,272,208,259,233,216,229,241,217,245,244,248,246,243,242,249,247,351,311,310,333,301,25,26,307,298,336,353,335,334,278,230,200,201,300,180,349,348,347,53,4,279,69,261,255,124,210,262,118,254,302,123,330,175,174,280,219,309,273,54,61)', 1 => '0.0013', ) 2020-01-17 10:39 CET DB tokens_api.php:85 token_get() array ( 0 => 'SELECT * FROM mantis_tokens_table WHERE type=3 AND owner=764', 1 => '0.0004', ) 2020-01-17 10:39 CET DB access_api.php:163 access_cache_matrix_user() array ( 0 => 'SELECT project_id, access_level FROM mantis_project_user_list_table WHERE user_id=966', 1 => '0.0018', ) 2020-01-17 10:39 CET DB project_api.php:687 project_get_all_user_rows() array ( 0 => 'SELECT id, username, realname, access_level FROM mantis_user_table WHERE enabled = 1 AND access_level >= 90 ', 1 => '0.0010', ) 2020-01-17 10:39 CET DB project_api.php:702 project_get_all_user_rows() array ( 0 => 'SELECT u.id, u.username, u.realname, l.access_level FROM mantis_project_user_list_table l, mantis_user_table u WHERE l.user_id = u.id AND u.enabled = 1 AND l.project_id = 157', 1 => '0.0045', ) 2020-01-17 10:39 CET DB tag_api.php:708 tag_get_candidates_for_bug() array ( 0 => 'SELECT id, name, description FROM mantis_tag_table WHERE id NOT IN (SELECT tag_id FROM mantis_bug_tag_table WHERE bug_id = 56810) ORDER BY name ASC ', 1 => '0.0012', ) 2020-01-17 10:39 CET DB relationship_api.php:444 relationship_get_all_src() array ( 0 => 'SELECT mantis_bug_relationship_table.id, mantis_bug_relationship_table.relationship_type, mantis_bug_relationship_table.source_bug_id, mantis_bug_relationship_table.destination_bug_id, mantis_bug_table.project_id FROM mantis_bug_relationship_table INNER JOIN mantis_bug_table ON mantis_bug_relationship_table.destination_bug_id = mantis_bug_table.id WHERE source_bug_id=56810 ORDER BY relationship_type, mantis_bug_relationship_table.id', 1 => '0.0004', ) 2020-01-17 10:39 CET DB relationship_api.php:485 relationship_get_all_dest() array ( 0 => 'SELECT mantis_bug_relationship_table.id, mantis_bug_relationship_table.relationship_type, mantis_bug_relationship_table.source_bug_id, mantis_bug_relationship_table.destination_bug_id, mantis_bug_table.project_id FROM mantis_bug_relationship_table INNER JOIN mantis_bug_table ON mantis_bug_relationship_table.source_bug_id = mantis_bug_table.id WHERE destination_bug_id=56810 ORDER BY relationship_type, mantis_bug_relationship_table.id', 1 => '0.0005', ) 2020-01-17 10:39 CET DB access_api.php:132 access_cache_matrix_project() array ( 0 => 'SELECT user_id, access_level FROM mantis_project_user_list_table WHERE project_id=157', 1 => '0.0004', ) 2020-01-17 10:39 CET DB bug_api.php:1730 bug_get_attachments() array ( 0 => 'SELECT id, title, diskfile, filename, filesize, file_type, date_added, user_id, bugnote_id FROM mantis_bug_file_table WHERE bug_id=56810 ORDER BY date_added', 1 => '0.0004', ) 2020-01-17 10:39 CET DB history_api.php:272 history_query_result() array ( 0 => 'SELECT * FROM mantis_bug_history_table WHERE mantis_bug_history_table.bug_id = 56810 ORDER BY mantis_bug_history_table.date_modified ASC, mantis_bug_history_table.id ASC', 1 => '0.0033', ) 2020-01-17 10:39 CET DB bug_revision_api.php:84 bug_revision_exists() array ( 0 => 'SELECT id FROM mantis_bug_revision_table WHERE id=49749', 1 => '0.0019', ) 2020-01-17 10:39 CET DB bug_revision_api.php:84 bug_revision_exists() array ( 0 => 'SELECT id FROM mantis_bug_revision_table WHERE id=49952', 1 => '0.0027', ) 2020-01-17 10:39 CET DB bug_revision_api.php:84 bug_revision_exists() array ( 0 => 'SELECT id FROM mantis_bug_revision_table WHERE id=51152', 1 => '0.0012', ) 2020-01-17 10:39 CET DB bug_revision_api.php:84 bug_revision_exists() array ( 0 => 'SELECT id FROM mantis_bug_revision_table WHERE id=52371', 1 => '0.0029', ) 2020-01-17 10:39 CET DB bug_revision_api.php:84 bug_revision_exists() array ( 0 => 'SELECT id FROM mantis_bug_revision_table WHERE id=52372', 1 => '0.0004', ) 2020-01-17 10:39 CET DB bug_revision_api.php:84 bug_revision_exists() array ( 0 => 'SELECT id FROM mantis_bug_revision_table WHERE id=52373', 1 => '0.0003', ) 2020-01-17 10:39 CET DB bug_revision_api.php:84 bug_revision_exists() array ( 0 => 'SELECT id FROM mantis_bug_revision_table WHERE id=52422', 1 => '0.0003', ) 2020-01-17 10:39 CET DB bug_revision_api.php:84 bug_revision_exists() array ( 0 => 'SELECT id FROM mantis_bug_revision_table WHERE id=52444', 1 => '0.0003', ) 2020-01-17 10:39 CET DB bug_revision_api.php:84 bug_revision_exists() array ( 0 => 'SELECT id FROM mantis_bug_revision_table WHERE id=52644', 1 => '0.0026', ) 2020-01-17 10:39 CET DB bug_revision_api.php:84 bug_revision_exists() array ( 0 => 'SELECT id FROM mantis_bug_revision_table WHERE id=52699', 1 => '0.0004', ) 2020-01-17 10:39 CET DB bug_revision_api.php:84 bug_revision_exists() array ( 0 => 'SELECT id FROM mantis_bug_revision_table WHERE id=52854', 1 => '0.0014', ) 2020-01-17 10:39 CET DB bug_revision_api.php:84 bug_revision_exists() array ( 0 => 'SELECT id FROM mantis_bug_revision_table WHERE id=53088', 1 => '0.0028', ) 2020-01-17 10:39 CET DB bug_revision_api.php:84 bug_revision_exists() array ( 0 => 'SELECT id FROM mantis_bug_revision_table WHERE id=53426', 1 => '0.0017', ) 2020-01-17 10:39 CET DB bug_revision_api.php:84 bug_revision_exists() array ( 0 => 'SELECT id FROM mantis_bug_revision_table WHERE id=53429', 1 => '0.0006', ) 2020-01-17 10:39 CET DB bug_revision_api.php:84 bug_revision_exists() array ( 0 => 'SELECT id FROM mantis_bug_revision_table WHERE id=53441', 1 => '0.0024', ) 2020-01-17 10:39 CET DB bug_revision_api.php:84 bug_revision_exists() array ( 0 => 'SELECT id FROM mantis_bug_revision_table WHERE id=54197', 1 => '0.0017', ) 2020-01-17 10:39 CET DB bug_revision_api.php:84 bug_revision_exists() array ( 0 => 'SELECT id FROM mantis_bug_revision_table WHERE id=54473', 1 => '0.0012', ) 2020-01-17 10:39 CET DB bug_revision_api.php:84 bug_revision_exists() array ( 0 => 'SELECT id FROM mantis_bug_revision_table WHERE id=54609', 1 => '0.0014', ) 2020-01-17 10:39 CET DB bug_revision_api.php:84 bug_revision_exists() array ( 0 => 'SELECT id FROM mantis_bug_revision_table WHERE id=54783', 1 => '0.0013', ) 2020-01-17 10:39 CET DB bug_revision_api.php:84 bug_revision_exists() array ( 0 => 'SELECT id FROM mantis_bug_revision_table WHERE id=55690', 1 => '0.0019', ) 2020-01-17 10:39 CET DB bug_revision_api.php:84 bug_revision_exists() array ( 0 => 'SELECT id FROM mantis_bug_revision_table WHERE id=55691', 1 => '0.0004', ) 2020-01-17 10:39 CET DB bug_revision_api.php:84 bug_revision_exists() array ( 0 => 'SELECT id FROM mantis_bug_revision_table WHERE id=55770', 1 => '0.0013', ) 2020-01-17 10:39 CET DB bug_revision_api.php:84 bug_revision_exists() array ( 0 => 'SELECT id FROM mantis_bug_revision_table WHERE id=57066', 1 => '0.0031', ) 2020-01-17 10:39 CET DB bug_revision_api.php:84 bug_revision_exists() array ( 0 => 'SELECT id FROM mantis_bug_revision_table WHERE id=57073', 1 => '0.0004', ) 2020-01-17 10:39 CET DB bug_revision_api.php:84 bug_revision_exists() array ( 0 => 'SELECT id FROM mantis_bug_revision_table WHERE id=58167', 1 => '0.0017', ) 2020-01-17 10:39 CET DB bug_revision_api.php:84 bug_revision_exists() array ( 0 => 'SELECT id FROM mantis_bug_revision_table WHERE id=58484', 1 => '0.0014', ) 2020-01-17 10:39 CET DB bug_revision_api.php:84 bug_revision_exists() array ( 0 => 'SELECT id FROM mantis_bug_revision_table WHERE id=60672', 1 => '0.0013', ) 2020-01-17 10:39 CET DB bug_revision_api.php:84 bug_revision_exists() array ( 0 => 'SELECT id FROM mantis_bug_revision_table WHERE id=60688', 1 => '0.0021', ) 2020-01-17 10:39 CET DB bug_revision_api.php:84 bug_revision_exists() array ( 0 => 'SELECT id FROM mantis_bug_revision_table WHERE id=61098', 1 => '0.0024', ) 2020-01-17 10:39 CET DB bug_revision_api.php:84 bug_revision_exists() array ( 0 => 'SELECT id FROM mantis_bug_revision_table WHERE id=64566', 1 => '0.0012', ) 2020-01-17 10:39 CET DB user_api.php:1489 user_update_last_visit() array ( 0 => 'UPDATE mantis_user_table SET last_visit=1579253991 WHERE id=764', 1 => '0.0013', )