2020-01-13 10:12 -03 DB database_api.php:161 db_connect() array ( 0 => 'SET NAMES UTF8', 1 => '0.0002', ) 2020-01-13 10:12 -03 DB plugin_api.php:910 plugin_register_installed() array ( 0 => 'SELECT basename, priority, protected FROM mantis_plugin_table WHERE enabled=\'1\' ORDER BY priority DESC', 1 => '0.0005', ) 2020-01-13 10:12 -03 DB authentication_api.php:1062 auth_is_cookie_valid() array ( 0 => 'SELECT * FROM mantis_user_table WHERE cookie_string=\'b3667935edd2434caab96cb1b5d211c182ec78defd468102536532df53cf08e0\'', 1 => '0.0004', ) 2020-01-13 10:12 -03 DB user_pref_api.php:334 user_pref_cache_array_rows() array ( 0 => 'SELECT * FROM mantis_user_pref_table WHERE user_id IN (158) AND project_id = 0', 1 => '0.0005', ) 2020-01-13 10:12 -03 DB project_api.php:109 project_cache_row() array ( 0 => 'SELECT * FROM mantis_project_table WHERE id=\'113\'', 1 => '0.0003', ) 2020-01-13 10:12 -03 DB config_api.php:728 config_cache_all() array ( 0 => 'SELECT config_id, user_id, project_id, type, value, access_reqd FROM mantis_config_table', 1 => '0.0007', ) 2020-01-13 10:12 -03 DB tokens_api.php:254 token_purge_expired() array ( 0 => 'DELETE FROM mantis_tokens_table WHERE 1578921167 > expiry', 1 => '0.0003', ) 2020-01-13 10:12 -03 DB tokens_api.php:85 token_get() array ( 0 => 'SELECT * FROM mantis_tokens_table WHERE type=5 AND owner=158', 1 => '0.0004', ) 2020-01-13 10:12 -03 DB bug_api.php:871 bug_cache_row() array ( 0 => 'SELECT * FROM mantis_bug_table WHERE id=27071', 1 => '0.0003', ) 2020-01-13 10:12 -03 DB bug_api.php:978 bug_text_cache_row() array ( 0 => 'SELECT bt.* FROM mantis_bug_text_table bt, mantis_bug_table b WHERE b.id=27071 AND b.bug_text_id = bt.id', 1 => '0.0003', ) 2020-01-13 10:12 -03 DB project_hierarchy_api.php:167 project_hierarchy_cache() array ( 0 => 'SELECT DISTINCT p.id, ph.parent_id, p.name, p.inherit_global, ph.inherit_parent FROM mantis_project_table p LEFT JOIN mantis_project_hierarchy_table ph ON ph.child_id = p.id WHERE p.enabled = \'1\' ORDER BY p.name', 1 => '0.0006', ) 2020-01-13 10:12 -03 DB version_api.php:238 version_cache_array_rows() array ( 0 => 'SELECT * FROM mantis_project_version_table WHERE project_id = 225', 1 => '0.0004', ) 2020-01-13 10:12 -03 DB user_api.php:1174 user_get_accessible_subprojects() array ( 0 => 'SELECT DISTINCT p.id, p.name, ph.parent_id FROM mantis_project_table p LEFT JOIN mantis_project_hierarchy_table ph ON ph.child_id = p.id WHERE p.enabled = \'1\' AND ph.parent_id IS NOT NULL ORDER BY p.name', 1 => '0.0005', ) 2020-01-13 10:12 -03 DB project_api.php:109 project_cache_row() array ( 0 => 'SELECT * FROM mantis_project_table WHERE id=225', 1 => '0.0011', ) 2020-01-13 10:12 -03 DB project_api.php:149 project_cache_array_rows() array ( 0 => 'SELECT * FROM mantis_project_table WHERE id IN (141,161,263,145,257,247,240,246,34,100,36,30,107,157,266,260,248,192,173,164,167,101,116,216,28,213,160,170,31,35,210,243,79,91,144,231,228,234,237,219,222,255)', 1 => '0.0011', ) 2020-01-13 10:12 -03 DB tokens_api.php:85 token_get() array ( 0 => 'SELECT * FROM mantis_tokens_table WHERE type=3 AND owner=158', 1 => '0.0004', ) 2020-01-13 10:12 -03 DB bug_api.php:910 bug_cache_array_rows() array ( 0 => 'SELECT * FROM mantis_bug_table WHERE id IN (23538,27500,25826,26786)', 1 => '0.0004', ) 2020-01-13 10:12 -03 DB category_api.php:491 category_get_all_rows() array ( 0 => 'SELECT c.*, p.name AS project_name FROM mantis_category_table c LEFT JOIN mantis_project_table p ON c.project_id=p.id WHERE project_id IN ( 225 ) ORDER BY c.name', 1 => '0.0004', ) 2020-01-13 10:12 -03 DB custom_field_api.php:817 custom_field_get_linked_ids() array ( 0 => 'SELECT CFP.project_id, CF.id FROM mantis_custom_field_table CF JOIN mantis_custom_field_project_table CFP ON CFP.field_id = CF.id WHERE CFP.project_id IN (225) ORDER BY sequence ASC, name ASC', 1 => '0.0004', ) 2020-01-13 10:12 -03 DB custom_field_api.php:165 custom_field_cache_array_rows() array ( 0 => 'SELECT * FROM mantis_custom_field_table WHERE id IN (66)', 1 => '0.0003', ) 2020-01-13 10:12 -03 DB custom_field_api.php:185 custom_field_cache_array_rows() array ( 0 => 'SELECT field_id, project_id FROM mantis_custom_field_project_table WHERE field_id IN (66)', 1 => '0.0002', ) 2020-01-13 10:12 -03 DB custom_field_api.php:257 custom_field_cache_values() array ( 0 => 'SELECT B.id AS bug_id, CF.id AS field_id, CFS.value, CFS.text FROM mantis_bug_table B LEFT OUTER JOIN mantis_custom_field_table CF ON 1 = 1 LEFT OUTER JOIN mantis_custom_field_string_table CFS ON ( B.id = CFS.bug_id AND CF.id = CFS.field_id ) WHERE B.id IN (27071) AND CF.id IN (66)', 1 => '0.0003', ) 2020-01-13 10:12 -03 DB custom_field_api.php:165 custom_field_cache_array_rows() array ( 0 => 'SELECT * FROM mantis_custom_field_table WHERE id IN (47)', 1 => '0.0003', ) 2020-01-13 10:12 -03 DB custom_field_api.php:185 custom_field_cache_array_rows() array ( 0 => 'SELECT field_id, project_id FROM mantis_custom_field_project_table WHERE field_id IN (47)', 1 => '0.0007', ) 2020-01-13 10:12 -03 DB custom_field_api.php:257 custom_field_cache_values() array ( 0 => 'SELECT B.id AS bug_id, CF.id AS field_id, CFS.value, CFS.text FROM mantis_bug_table B LEFT OUTER JOIN mantis_custom_field_table CF ON 1 = 1 LEFT OUTER JOIN mantis_custom_field_string_table CFS ON ( B.id = CFS.bug_id AND CF.id = CFS.field_id ) WHERE B.id IN (27071) AND CF.id IN (47)', 1 => '0.0005', ) 2020-01-13 10:12 -03 DB custom_field_api.php:165 custom_field_cache_array_rows() array ( 0 => 'SELECT * FROM mantis_custom_field_table WHERE id IN (4)', 1 => '0.0003', ) 2020-01-13 10:12 -03 DB custom_field_api.php:185 custom_field_cache_array_rows() array ( 0 => 'SELECT field_id, project_id FROM mantis_custom_field_project_table WHERE field_id IN (4)', 1 => '0.0002', ) 2020-01-13 10:12 -03 DB custom_field_api.php:257 custom_field_cache_values() array ( 0 => 'SELECT B.id AS bug_id, CF.id AS field_id, CFS.value, CFS.text FROM mantis_bug_table B LEFT OUTER JOIN mantis_custom_field_table CF ON 1 = 1 LEFT OUTER JOIN mantis_custom_field_string_table CFS ON ( B.id = CFS.bug_id AND CF.id = CFS.field_id ) WHERE B.id IN (27071) AND CF.id IN (4)', 1 => '0.0003', ) 2020-01-13 10:12 -03 DB custom_field_api.php:165 custom_field_cache_array_rows() array ( 0 => 'SELECT * FROM mantis_custom_field_table WHERE id IN (69)', 1 => '0.0003', ) 2020-01-13 10:12 -03 DB custom_field_api.php:185 custom_field_cache_array_rows() array ( 0 => 'SELECT field_id, project_id FROM mantis_custom_field_project_table WHERE field_id IN (69)', 1 => '0.0006', ) 2020-01-13 10:12 -03 DB custom_field_api.php:257 custom_field_cache_values() array ( 0 => 'SELECT B.id AS bug_id, CF.id AS field_id, CFS.value, CFS.text FROM mantis_bug_table B LEFT OUTER JOIN mantis_custom_field_table CF ON 1 = 1 LEFT OUTER JOIN mantis_custom_field_string_table CFS ON ( B.id = CFS.bug_id AND CF.id = CFS.field_id ) WHERE B.id IN (27071) AND CF.id IN (69)', 1 => '0.0007', ) 2020-01-13 10:12 -03 DB tokens_api.php:85 token_get() array ( 0 => 'SELECT * FROM mantis_tokens_table WHERE type=3 AND owner=158', 1 => '0.0003', ) 2020-01-13 10:12 -03 DB user_api.php:1489 user_update_last_visit() array ( 0 => 'UPDATE mantis_user_table SET last_visit=1578921167 WHERE id=158', 1 => '0.0011', )