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Detailed error information

  • Full path: C:\inetpub\wwwroot\Mantisbt\core\classes\DbQuery.class.php
  • Line number: 293

Stack trace

# Filename Line Class Type Function Args
0 C:\inetpub\wwwroot\Mantisbt\core\classes\DbQuery.class.php 293 - - trigger_error <string>'401', <integer>256
1 C:\inetpub\wwwroot\Mantisbt\core\classes\DbQuery.class.php 787 DbQuery -> db_execute <integer>-1, <integer>-1
2 C:\inetpub\wwwroot\Mantisbt\core\database_api.php 313 DbQuery :: compat_db_query <string>'SELECT COUNT(DISTINCT( FROM {bug} b LEFT JOIN {bug_history} h ON = h.bug_id AND h.type = 0 AND h.field_name = \'status\' WHERE b.status >= ? AND h.old_value < ? AND h.new_value >= ? AND (? <= date_modified + 86400) AND project_id IN (1,8,5,4)', <array> { [0] => 80, [1] => 80, [2] => 80, [3] => 1530277015 }, <integer>-1, <integer>-1, <boolean>true
3 C:\inetpub\wwwroot\Mantisbt\core\summary_api.php 342 - - db_query <string>'SELECT COUNT(DISTINCT( FROM {bug} b LEFT JOIN {bug_history} h ON = h.bug_id AND h.type = 0 AND h.field_name = \'status\' WHERE b.status >= ? AND h.old_value < ? AND h.new_value >= ? AND (? <= date_modified + 86400) AND project_id IN (1,8,5,4)', <array> { [0] => 80, [1] => 80, [2] => 80, [3] => 1530277015 }
4 C:\inetpub\wwwroot\Mantisbt\core\summary_api.php 355 - - summary_resolved_bug_count_by_date <integer>1
5 C:\inetpub\wwwroot\Mantisbt\summary_page.php 216 - - summary_print_by_date <array> { [0] => 1, [1] => 2, [2] => 3, [3] => 7, [4] => 30, [5] => 60, [6] => 90, [7] => 180, [8] => 365 }