Custom field not found.

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Detailed error information

  • Full path: /var/www/mantisbt-2.25.2/core/custom_field_api.php
  • Line number: 122

Stack trace

# Filename Line Class Type Function Args
0 /var/www/mantisbt-2.25.2/core/custom_field_api.php 122 - - trigger_error <string>'1300', <integer>256
1 /var/www/mantisbt-2.25.2/core/custom_field_api.php 924 - - custom_field_cache_row <boolean>false
2 /var/www/mantisbt-2.25.2/core/columns_api.php 359 - - custom_field_get_definition <boolean>false
3 /var/www/mantisbt-2.25.2/core/helper_api.php 515 - - column_get_custom_field_column_name <boolean>false
4 /var/www/mantisbt-2.25.2/core/filter_api.php 2308 - - helper_get_columns_to_view <integer>1
5 /var/www/mantisbt-2.25.2/core/classes/BugFilterQuery.class.php 1699 - - filter_get_visible_sort_properties_array <array> { ['_version'] => 'v9', ['_view_type'] => 'simple', ['category_id'] => <array> { [0] => '0' }, ['severity'] => <array> { [0] => 0 }, ['status'] => <array> { [0] => 0 }, ['highlight_changed'] => 6, ['reporter_id'] => <array> { [0] => 0 }, ['handler_id'] => <array> { [0] => -2 }, ['project_id'] => <array> { [0] => 55 }, ['resolution'] => <array> { [0] => 0 }, ['build'] => <array> { [0] => '0' }, ['version'] => <array> { [0] => '0' }, ['hide_status'] => <array> { [0] => 90 }, ['monitor_user_id'] => <array> { [0] => 0 }, ['sort'] => 'last_updated', ['dir'] => 'DESC', ['per_page'] => 50, ['match_type'] => 0, ['platform'] => <array> { [0] => '0' }, ['os'] => <array> { [0] => '0' }, ['os_build'] => <array> { [0] => '0' }, ['fixed_in_version'] => <array> { [0] => '0' }, ['target_version'] => <array> { [0] => '0' }, ['profile_id'] => <array> { [0] => 0 }, ['priority'] => <array> { [0] => 0 }, ['note_user_id'] => <array> { [0] => 0 }, ['sticky'] => true, ['filter_by_date'] => false, ['start_month'] => '12', ['end_month'] => '12', ['start_day'] => 1, ['end_day'] => '23', ['start_year'] => '2021', ['end_year'] => '2021', ['filter_by_last_updated_date'] => false, ['last_updated_start_month'] => '12', ['last_updated_end_month'] => '12', ['last_updated_start_day'] => 1, ['last_updated_end_day'] => '23', ['last_updated_start_year'] => '2021', ['last_updated_end_year'] => '2021', ['search'] => '', ['view_state'] => 0, ['tag_string'] => '', ['tag_select'] => 0, ['relationship_type'] => -1, ['relationship_bug'] => 0, ['custom_fields'] => <array> { [34] => <array> { [0] => '0' }, [2] => <array> { [0] => '0' }, [3] => <array> { [0] => '0' }, [4] => <array> { [0] => '0' }, [5] => <array> { [0] => '0' }, [6] => <array> { [0] => '0' }, [7] => <array> { [0] => '0' }, [9] => <array> { [0] => '0' }, [10] => <array> { [0] => '0' }, [13] => <array> { [0] => '0' }, [14] => <array> { [0] => '0' }, [15] => <array> { [0] => '0' }, [17] => <array> { [0] => '0' }, [18] => <array> { [0] => '0' }, [19] => <array> { [0] => '0' }, [20] => <array> { [0] => '0' }, [21] => <array> { [0] => '0' }, [22] => <array> { [0] => '0' }, [23] => <array> { [0] => '0' }, [24] => <array> { [0] => '0' }, [25] => <array> { [0] => '0' }, [26] => <array> { [0] => '0' }, [27] => <array> { [0] => '0' }, [28] => <array> { [0] => '0' }, [29] => <array> { [0] => '0' }, [30] => <array> { [0] => '0' }, [31] => <array> { [0] => '0' }, [32] => <array> { [0] => '0' }, [33] => <array> { [0] => '0' } } }
6 /var/www/mantisbt-2.25.2/core/classes/BugFilterQuery.class.php 355 BugFilterQuery -> build_order_by -
7 /var/www/mantisbt-2.25.2/core/classes/BugFilterQuery.class.php 227 BugFilterQuery -> string_query_list -
8 /var/www/mantisbt-2.25.2/core/classes/BugFilterQuery.class.php 206 BugFilterQuery -> build_query -
9 /var/www/mantisbt-2.25.2/core/classes/BugFilterQuery.class.php 191 BugFilterQuery -> set_query_type <integer>0
10 /var/www/mantisbt-2.25.2/core/filter_api.php 1120 BugFilterQuery -> __construct <array> { ['_version'] => 'v9', ['_view_type'] => 'simple', ['category_id'] => <array> { [0] => '0' }, ['severity'] => <array> { [0] => 0 }, ['status'] => <array> { [0] => 0 }, ['highlight_changed'] => 6, ['reporter_id'] => <array> { [0] => 0 }, ['handler_id'] => <array> { [0] => -2 }, ['project_id'] => <array> { [0] => 55 }, ['resolution'] => <array> { [0] => 0 }, ['build'] => <array> { [0] => '0' }, ['version'] => <array> { [0] => '0' }, ['hide_status'] => <array> { [0] => 90 }, ['monitor_user_id'] => <array> { [0] => 0 }, ['sort'] => 'last_updated', ['dir'] => 'DESC', ['per_page'] => 50, ['match_type'] => 0, ['platform'] => <array> { [0] => '0' }, ['os'] => <array> { [0] => '0' }, ['os_build'] => <array> { [0] => '0' }, ['fixed_in_version'] => <array> { [0] => '0' }, ['target_version'] => <array> { [0] => '0' }, ['profile_id'] => <array> { [0] => 0 }, ['priority'] => <array> { [0] => 0 }, ['note_user_id'] => <array> { [0] => 0 }, ['sticky'] => true, ['filter_by_date'] => false, ['start_month'] => '12', ['end_month'] => '12', ['start_day'] => 1, ['end_day'] => '23', ['start_year'] => '2021', ['end_year'] => '2021', ['filter_by_last_updated_date'] => false, ['last_updated_start_month'] => '12', ['last_updated_end_month'] => '12', ['last_updated_start_day'] => 1, ['last_updated_end_day'] => '23', ['last_updated_start_year'] => '2021', ['last_updated_end_year'] => '2021', ['search'] => '', ['view_state'] => 0, ['tag_string'] => '', ['tag_select'] => 0, ['relationship_type'] => -1, ['relationship_bug'] => 0, ['custom_fields'] => <array> { [34] => <array> { [0] => '0' }, [2] => <array> { [0] => '0' }, [3] => <array> { [0] => '0' }, [4] => <array> { [0] => '0' }, [5] => <array> { [0] => '0' }, [6] => <array> { [0] => '0' }, [7] => <array> { [0] => '0' }, [9] => <array> { [0] => '0' }, [10] => <array> { [0] => '0' }, [13] => <array> { [0] => '0' }, [14] => <array> { [0] => '0' }, [15] => <array> { [0] => '0' }, [17] => <array> { [0] => '0' }, [18] => <array> { [0] => '0' }, [19] => <array> { [0] => '0' }, [20] => <array> { [0] => '0' }, [21] => <array> { [0] => '0' }, [22] => <array> { [0] => '0' }, [23] => <array> { [0] => '0' }, [24] => <array> { [0] => '0' }, [25] => <array> { [0] => '0' }, [26] => <array> { [0] => '0' }, [27] => <array> { [0] => '0' }, [28] => <array> { [0] => '0' }, [29] => <array> { [0] => '0' }, [30] => <array> { [0] => '0' }, [31] => <array> { [0] => '0' }, [32] => <array> { [0] => '0' }, [33] => <array> { [0] => '0' } } }, <array> { ['query_type'] => 0, ['project_id'] => NULL, ['user_id'] => NULL, ['use_sticky'] => NULL }
11 /var/www/mantisbt-2.25.2/my_view_inc.php 243 - - filter_get_bug_rows <integer>1, <integer>10, <NULL>NULL, <NULL>NULL, <array> { ['_version'] => 'v9', ['_view_type'] => 'simple', ['category_id'] => <array> { [0] => '0' }, ['severity'] => <array> { [0] => 0 }, ['status'] => <array> { [0] => 0 }, ['highlight_changed'] => 6, ['reporter_id'] => <array> { [0] => 0 }, ['handler_id'] => <array> { [0] => -2 }, ['project_id'] => <array> { [0] => 55 }, ['resolution'] => <array> { [0] => 0 }, ['build'] => <array> { [0] => '0' }, ['version'] => <array> { [0] => '0' }, ['hide_status'] => <array> { [0] => 90 }, ['monitor_user_id'] => <array> { [0] => 0 }, ['sort'] => 'last_updated', ['dir'] => 'DESC', ['per_page'] => 50, ['match_type'] => 0, ['platform'] => <array> { [0] => '0' }, ['os'] => <array> { [0] => '0' }, ['os_build'] => <array> { [0] => '0' }, ['fixed_in_version'] => <array> { [0] => '0' }, ['target_version'] => <array> { [0] => '0' }, ['profile_id'] => <array> { [0] => 0 }, ['priority'] => <array> { [0] => 0 }, ['note_user_id'] => <array> { [0] => 0 }, ['sticky'] => true, ['filter_by_date'] => false, ['start_month'] => '12', ['end_month'] => '12', ['start_day'] => 1, ['end_day'] => '23', ['start_year'] => '2021', ['end_year'] => '2021', ['filter_by_last_updated_date'] => false, ['last_updated_start_month'] => '12', ['last_updated_end_month'] => '12', ['last_updated_start_day'] => 1, ['last_updated_end_day'] => '23', ['last_updated_start_year'] => '2021', ['last_updated_end_year'] => '2021', ['search'] => '', ['view_state'] => 0, ['tag_string'] => '', ['tag_select'] => 0, ['relationship_type'] => -1, ['relationship_bug'] => 0, ['custom_fields'] => <array> { [34] => <array> { [0] => '0' }, [2] => <array> { [0] => '0' }, [3] => <array> { [0] => '0' }, [4] => <array> { [0] => '0' }, [5] => <array> { [0] => '0' }, [6] => <array> { [0] => '0' }, [7] => <array> { [0] => '0' }, [9] => <array> { [0] => '0' }, [10] => <array> { [0] => '0' }, [13] => <array> { [0] => '0' }, [14] => <array> { [0] => '0' }, [15] => <array> { [0] => '0' }, [17] => <array> { [0] => '0' }, [18] => <array> { [0] => '0' }, [19] => <array> { [0] => '0' }, [20] => <array> { [0] => '0' }, [21] => <array> { [0] => '0' }, [22] => <array> { [0] => '0' }, [23] => <array> { [0] => '0' }, [24] => <array> { [0] => '0' }, [25] => <array> { [0] => '0' }, [26] => <array> { [0] => '0' }, [27] => <array> { [0] => '0' }, [28] => <array> { [0] => '0' }, [29] => <array> { [0] => '0' }, [30] => <array> { [0] => '0' }, [31] => <array> { [0] => '0' }, [32] => <array> { [0] => '0' }, [33] => <array> { [0] => '0' } } }
12 /var/www/mantisbt-2.25.2/my_view_page.php 153 - - include <string>'/var/www/mantisbt-2.25.2/my_view_inc.php'