MantisTouch v1.2.2 Released

For those not familiar with MantisTouch:

“MantisTouch was developed to provide mobility to MantisBT. As a web app, MantisTouch provides a mobile optimized user interface for iPhone, Android, and Windows Phone. MantisTouch uses web services to access the bugtracking data allowing it to be installed on the same or a different server than MantisBT.”

This release provides several fixes (see changelog) including the following:

  • Localization support – see for how to contribute translations to your own locale.  Now MantisTouch supports English and Traditional Chinese.  Contributing your own translation should take less than half an hour.
  • Use better font and smaller buttons.
  • SSL – Retrieval of jQuery and jQueryMobile from CDNs conflicts with SSL.  MantisTouch now uses CDNs when http is used, otherwise, uses local copy.
  • SSL – If MantisTouch is available on both http and https, redirect to https when http is used.
  • Company Logo – Provide the ability to use company logo on the login page instead of MantisBT logo.
  • Use mc_login() API introduced in MantisBT 1.2.12 to authenticate user and get retrieve necessary user information,
  • Update jQuery to 1.9.1 and jQueryMobile to 1.3.1
  • Improved Logging.

All MantisTouch v1.2.x users are encouraged to upgrade by downloading new package and copying over existing installation.  If your instance is running a version before v1.2.x, then checkout the v1.2.0 release post for upgrade instructions.

All users are encouraged to upgrade to latest MantisBT (currently 1.2.15) to get the best experience with MantisTouch.