MantisTouch v1.2.0 released

For those not familiar with MantisTouch:

“MantisTouch was developed to provide mobility to MantisBT. As a web app, MantisTouch provides a mobile optimized user interface for iPhone, Android, and Windows Phone. MantisTouch uses web services to access the bugtracking data allowing it to be installed on the same or a different server than MantisBT.”

This release is focused on simplifying the deployment of MantisTouch.  For a long time MantisBT has been known for its ability to run on any server with very little requirement. However, this was not the case for MantisTouch since it required setting up url re-writing to get Zend to work.  This release includes the following changes:

  1. Drop the dependency on Zend and the requirement to have url re-writing setup.  This removes the pain point that complicated deployment.
  2. Use latest version of jQuery (1.8.2) and jQueryMobile (1.2).  Use the CDN versions rather than distributing local copies.
  3. The distribution zip file size was reduced from 6.5MB to 94KB.

Following are the steps to upgrade from previous versions:

  1. Download the new release form the same location sent to you on purchase.
  2. Rename MantisTouch folder (or whatever its name) to MantisTouch.x.
  3. Create MantisTouch folder and extract the zip file into it.
  4. Copy config_inc.sample.php to config_inc.php and edit the configs to match your environment.  Use config_defaults_inc.php as a reference.  Note that there is no more ini files to control configs.
  5. Test that MantisTouch is working as expected.
  6. Once the new version is working, you can backup / delete MantisTouch.x folder.

If you find any issues, please report them in the official bug tracker under project ‘MantisTouch’.  If you don’t have MantisTouch, you can get it from here.