Summary-graph for several projects

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Summary-graph for several projects

Post by valle »

After installing the jpgraph package I felt that I was missing one graph-type.
I tried to do my own php-script for this feature but failed. Maybe this
could be added by someone with more php-knowledge.

I'm looking for a graph as the summary_graph_bydeveloper.php but instead
containg open/resolved/total in each projects instead of developer, i.e. a
file named summary_graph_byproject.php ? The summary is presented as the
first table in the ordinary text-summary, but not as a graph ?
This would be a great feature.

I think even more nice functionality could be added to the graph-php's
that would help a testleader and the rest of a testgroup in their work.
Graph's and Stats of the current project status (red->green traffic light),
New/resolved bugs current day, toplists etc etc ....

Anyone that has some nice graphs made and would like to share them with me :oops: :?:
I've just installed the jpgraph package and there would be lots of stuff to customize, but maybe there is some stuff already done out there ? :roll:

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