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IDProjectCategoryView StatusLast Update
0009321mantisbtsecuritypublic2008-10-23 09:59
Reportervboctor Assigned Tovboctor  
PrioritynormalSeverityminorReproducibilityhave not tried
Status closedResolutionfixed 
Product Version1.1.2 
Target Version1.1.3Fixed in Version1.1.3 
Summary0009321: Users can get title and status of issues that they don't have access to.

If the user reference an issue via (# issue number), the issue is converted the hyperlink if the issue exists. However, no verification is done to make sure that the issue is accessible by the current user.

TagsNo tags attached.


parent of 0009322 closedvboctor Port of 0009321: Users can get title and status of issues that they don't have access to. 
has duplicate 0009824 closedgiallu unauthorized access to issue details 
related to 0009252 closedgrangeway Numeric link to issues tells title and status even if logged in user is not authorized 




2008-07-01 00:14

manager   ~0018251

Fixed via svn:5384



2008-07-01 10:45

reporter   ~0018260

I had recently tested a similar fix for the problem. However, my solution was to change string_get_bug_view_link() to only post the bug's summary if the user had access, but to still hyperlink it otherwise, in order to allow anonymous/unlogged users to click the buglink, and then log in to see the bug. It would also still allow the user to see the the bug's status, regardless of access level, although that could easily be changed.

I think this could be a better solution to the problem than to not hyperlink the bug at all.



2008-10-23 09:59

reporter   ~0019654

This is now CVE-2008-4688