MantisBT: master 4f38c830

Author Committer Branch Timestamp Parent
cproensa vboctor master 2017-04-05 16:21 master 408e5956
Affected Issues  0022140: Getting error dialog when reporting issues and file upload is disabled
 0022673: Dropzone uploads files when submitting other forms

Rewrite dropzone initialization

Some changes has been done to Dropzone initialization:

  • Container form now does not need any special class.
  • Dropzone specific data attributes are now placed in the Dropzone div
    element, which is indicated as "dropzone" class.
  • Auto upload feature is now enabled by adding the additional
    "auto-dropzone" class to current "dropzone" div.

Dropzone initialization searchs for elements with class "dropzone", then
searchs for the container form and uses it as parameter for the object,
and register event listeners.

Fixes: 0022140, 0022673

mod - bug_report_page.php Diff File
mod - bugnote_add_inc.php Diff File
mod - js/common.js Diff File